Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Shit fiveteamer. I thought I would open this thread and it would be someones random thoughts on the new catalina burrito from taco bell or the creepy olympic mascots or something to that nature. I am just glad you live in Canada where you have health care, beat this shit fiver.
What do people pay for health insurance?

I am looking at $415 a month for family of 3, but that's with a $4,500 deductible and they only pay 70% until i hit 10k. So could easily have $20,000 a year in costs.

I don't know your family's health history but if you are healthy and rarely go to the doctor you may want to consider a health savings account HSA. Instead of a premium you put money monthly in the account (lets say $500 a month) and if you get sick and need to go to the doctor you pay from this account. If you don't use all the $6000 in one year it carries over to next year and you also earn interest and in some plans you can even invest it.
I don't know your family's health history but if you are healthy and rarely go to the doctor you may want to consider a health savings account HSA. Instead of a premium you put money monthly in the account (lets say $500 a month) and if you get sick and need to go to the doctor you pay from this account. If you don't use all the $6000 in one year it carries over to next year and you also earn interest and in some plans you can even invest it.

What if you get cancer and the bill is $250,000?