Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I got an email from Bo Bugge today. Every once in awhile I get one of these Bo Bugge emails, generally with some kind of update about goings-on in the Denmark office. Like the office will be closed on such-and-such day due to a national holiday or whatever.

No real point here. I just like the name Bo Bugge. I like seeing the name on incoming email. It evokes visions for me of a spunky little Volkswagen Beetle puttering around Denmark, occasionally sending me email in between winning car races despite the odds being heavily stacked against him.

It makes me happy.
Fireworks all night, the last week. more coming

not the ones that light up

the m-80's that just make big loud booms and make you poo or piddle in your pants.

there are old people here, there are children sleeping.

I hear alot more ambulance sirens (live by two hospitals) I hope its alot of people with lost fingers and hands. and not old people
Do you love money? That there is just over 18million.

Every morning as a I start my work day there are some routine steps I take. There is one program I open which involves clicking on an icon labeled "cntfrm"

That always makes me think, 'cunt farm'

That evokes visions for me of a large area of land out in the country with about a million snug litttle holes ripening in the ground spaced at regular intervals.

I feel like that would be a good place to work.
Also - and I have probably said this before but I'm saying it again - it is not necessary to hold the door for me.

I suppose if I am almost right behind you, it is okay to kind of open the door all the way - wider perhaps than you might if you were alone. But if I am still some distance away, DO NOT stop to wait, holding the door. Well maybe if you are an attractive female - but anyone else, no.

If you expect me to speed up because I see you there holding the door, you will be disappointed. If anything, I will slow down to punish you for being so gay.

I might even stop and re-tie my shoe. That will be my little gesture.

I am a man. I can get myself through a door no problem.
Also - and I have probably said this before but I'm saying it again - it is not necessary to hold the door for me.

I suppose if I am almost right behind you, it is okay to kind of open the door all the way - wider perhaps than you might if you were alone. But if I am still some distance away, DO NOT stop to wait, holding the door. Well maybe if you are an attractive female - but anyone else, no.

If you expect me to speed up because I see you there holding the door, you will be disappointed. If anything, I will slow down to punish you for being so gay.

I might even stop and re-tie my shoe. That will be my little gesture.

I am a man. I can get myself through a door no problem.

You kids from the Internet generation are ridiculously self-centered. Extreme indvidualism will get you NOWHERE, Mr. Cat.

I sometimes get that in between, where you're not sure if they are too far to hold the door for. You don't want to hit a little old lady with the door. You shouldn't be annoyed with somebody's who's trying to be kind. :dunno:

And what's patchy hair? And is that something that can be fixed?
I am not opposed to good manners. You will find few people with better manners than me. Kindness is a separate issue. I am talking about where the line is crossed from honest courtesy/helpfulness, to that sickening combination of condescension/people-pleasing/being-so-needy-you-will-try-any-pathetic-gesture-hoping-to-be-liked.

Doesn't just apply to door holding - not by a long shot.

Would you care for 15,000 more examples?

The patchy hair was just that. She had spots where the hair grew so thin you could easily see her scalp through it. It is not an unusual effect for the elderly but this girl was early 20's.

She actually put effort into her hair. You could see that. It was curled and styled. But I guess a piece was missing as far as full self-awareness.

Probably should have gone for a wig.