Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

What's that? You'd like to see a couple pictures of my car?

Well okay, I guess so.


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I do take days off but only very few. Probably averages out to 1 day a month. There are other days where I do minimal work but I still keep things moving.

Years ago I always took every Monday/Tuesday off as my weekend. But that was the glorious days of Neteller and Americans running wild and free through the sportsbooks.

Those were the days my friend. I thought they'd never end.

PS - Christmas was not an off-day. I had bets.
I think you're confusing girls MrMonkey. Mara is the girl who does not date - had coffee with her before Christmas Eve to give her her X-Mas gift and all is well.

What you wanna know is if I fokked my roommate's brains out yet. The answer is that she's not home yet. She is supposed to get here today.

Go MiniMatty, if I may say so myself. Let's make the magic happen.

Are you really going for it? Seriously?

I haven't read everything that has been said about this situation so excuse me if I am repeating, but are you really into her - possibly even love - and you have decided you want to give a full shot at being a couple?
Muddy, I gots the butterflies when we hugged minutes before she went home for Christmas. Like for realz. Muddy I had not experienced said butterflies in precisely 7 years. And I've had a live-in GF during 3 years over that time span.

The couple thing will need to be discussed obviously. It's a messed-up situation. But she's obviously been waiting for me to make a move, and I will do just that.

I knew I was into her the minute we met at that party (that ended up being the object of a symbolic gift from her.) Been trying to block these thoughts and date someone else since I moved in here, to avoid the fucked-up-edness of the situation.

I coulda said "I'm sorry but I'm too attracted to you physically - we shouldn't be roommates" back then but.

No homo, you know.