Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

San Antonio
05/19/12 06:56:01pm
05/19/12 06:53:07pm
05/19/12 06:52:40pm

May 19 6:54pm Basketball - Loss
1. Basketball - San Antonio - moneyline (-245)
for the 1st half held on May 19 at 7:05pm [loss]

fuk u pinny

potato is starting to hate soccer for similar reasons

line move 30 cents like it's nothing
Muddy any updates on the banana situation?

There are so many things in life that show me how out to lunch I am and bananas are another.

I bought bananas yesterday - they are currently hanging on my banana hanger - and one of them is a complete mess. It is all ripped up and black at the nose. I will have to cut off the about 3 inches of it before I eat it.

Do I not look at produce before I put it in my shopping basket? I would have thought I did but obviously not.

Had a wedding to go too last night so only probably only 2nd-3rd Sat night off in years other than vacation weeks! Haven't seen SNL in ages of course but tuned in to see Mick! Anybody watch it?
