Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

What's the deal with certain foods being targeted for certain hours? Eggs/Bacon/Pancakes/Waffles/Croissants/Cereal for breakfast. Why? Who started this? Why do restaurants stop serving these foods after a certain hour? In Spain people think it's weird to eat eggs for breakfast. They just drink beer and coffee for breakfast here. After 6 weeks here, just today I found an American style breakfast...but not quite. It was bacon, eggs, and french fries. Everything was cooked medium rare. I haven't learned how to say 'well done' in Spanish yet.

I miss crispy bacon.

Cultural shit without reason. I say it is always time for baked necks. Screw the cholesterol.

Food of the gods.
I just got a bicycle myself. :up: Why did Muddy get a helmet? Hope I don't have to get one.

My story about this:

For my whole life I had not worn a helmet. Then a couple years ago, I decided to examine that. I looked at my reasons for not wearing one. It was a mish-mash of coolness issues and laziness with a dash of rationalization. Then I looked at the pro-helmet argument.

Long story short, wearing a helmet is clearly the intellectually superior position.

I consider myself a man of intellect. Did you know I am a member of Mensa? It's true. I am supposed to be smart. I decided a person like myself should rise above my lameness and idiotic vanity, and wear the helmet. Good :greencheck:

Except I didn't actually do it.

But then a little while back I had a wipeout on my bike on some railroad tracks where I smacked my head on the ground and I decided that would be my wake up call and I would actually start doing it. Bad shit could have happened. I decided I would be just plain stupid to not wear the helmet - and I am not stupid.

And that time I actually started wearing the helmet. Several pics were taken and posted here and there.

But I stopped wearing it.
Muddy pal, I used to ride a bike a lot, years ago to get to the Strip in Vegas from Henderson. I was worried now that I feel more fragile(?) I should use a helmet. Seems like most people do. Riding around the last few days I feel comfortable enough. Plus, I like to ride to places then walk around and whatever business. I don't want to have to carry a helmet everywhere. :dunno:
every week a child dies here in a bike crash with no helmet. yet i still never see a single kid with a helmet on.

I don't think I could ever wear a helmet while riding a bike... after years of not wearing one as a kid.... I guess I'll have to make my future kids' wear them, but i'll feel a bit guilty...even if I'm over protective
I don't think I could ever wear a helmet while riding a bike... after years of not wearing one as a kid.... I guess I'll have to make my future kids' wear them, but i'll feel a bit guilty...even if I'm over protective
no ya wont...
just gotta let nature take its course...
take my son to skate park bout every weekend... no helmets/pads
lil sob is dropping in on the HUGE ramps
also trying/doing/failing at many other sketchy tricks/ramps/spines/rails... but he gets right up and trys again if he eats it.
kids 2 times his age are scared of the big ramps, I even told him at his age I didnt have the balls to try it either...

but then again I made him walk home about 2 blocks with a broken shin bone from a trampoline accident
( I didnt know it was broken at the time) just told him to walk it off:lol:
xrays made me feel bad:eyes:
just remembered I got leftover t bone steaks, bacon bits,baked tater and sugar soaked strawberries in cooler in back of truck.... with a little ice and beer
average time before it goes bad? anyone??? going on 9 hrs ATM
will find out at lunch time
cucumbers lasted 4 days and still good...
rancid meat cant be that bad
no ya wont...
just gotta let nature take its course...
take my son to skate park bout every weekend... no helmets/pads
lil sob is dropping in on the HUGE ramps
also trying/doing/failing at many other sketchy tricks/ramps/spines/rails... but he gets right up and trys again if he eats it.
kids 2 times his age are scared of the big ramps, I even told him at his age I didnt have the balls to try it either...

but then again I made him walk home about 2 blocks with a broken shin bone from a trampoline accident
( I didnt know it was broken at the time) just told him to walk it off:lol:
xrays made me feel bad:eyes:

Your kid sounds like a Badass, Senco. I skated almost every day from 11-17 years old, and I was always freaked out by the HUGE ramps. If you get him sponsored he could make some nice cash doing that. Helmets were mandatory at our local skate park, but besides that I never wore one.
Tell me more about Mensa. I could google it, but am more interested in your version.

Mensa is supposed to be a high-IQ society where only people with IQ's in the top 2% of the population can be in it.

Some people sometimes say it is a club for geniuses. I do not say that. I would put it more this way: it is a club for people who happen to have minds that work in peculiar way that is well suited to a Mensa test.

There is actual stuff that goes on within Mensa. Special Interest Groups and whatnot. I don't do any of that. Some years back I was curious if I qualified so I had myself tested and I qualified. In fact I came out in the top 1% of the population. Don't ask me my IQ. I don't know. The score they gave me was just a percentile. You either got a 98, 99 or declined. I got 99.

I subscribed to a Mensa magazine for a short time but I stopped and now I just carry a card around in my wallet which I don't believe I have ever taken out for anything. I am not active. Being a Mensa member is simply something I can say - but I almost never do.

The word Mensa means table in some other language (I'll guess latin).
So it looks like, as of today, the human race has still not cornered Jesus and gotten an interview. If/when this happens, here's what I would like Jesus to say.

I do not like little children. I mean, I know we need them and I don't actually want them to suffer but I just do not enjoy their company. Keep them away from me.

I think that would be an interesting thing for Jesus to say.

Your kid sounds like a Badass, Senco. I skated almost every day from 11-17 years old, and I was always freaked out by the HUGE ramps. If you get him sponsored he could make some nice cash doing that. Helmets were mandatory at our local skate park, but besides that I never wore one.

theres a couple kids that are sponsored but its just a skate shop in a near by town. not alot of perks to it. nothing big time
but there supposed to be some pros coming at end of this month for a demo and contest for locals

helmets were mandatory here also when the city run it... but they couldnt afford upkeep.
now its ride at your own risk.
I also skated for a LONG time as a kid but never had the balls to try stuff he does, but we didnt have skate park here when I was a kid.
just had to find stairs/rails and other street stuff to injure yourself

Very strange complaint to me. Like it's coming from a different planet.

I can't ever recall seeing a woman pushing a stroller down the middle of the road in my life. My commute takes me through a residential area. I must pass an average of, I dunno, 30 pedestrians every day of the week. It is a rare exception that one is not on the sidewalks. I'm trying to think of a single incident involving someone on the road rather than the sidewalk that I was really bothered by. Not coming up with a thing.

I guess it is a legit complaint if it is really happening - and you wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't.
