Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

In my experience, there is no group of people that is less likely to look you in the eye than music store employees. I don't know why but I swear: I have been to music stores probably 8 times this year - I have dealt with many different people in different departments - the consistency is amazing. No one wants to look you in the eye. You might get a fleeting glance but then you know it's not going to happen again for quite awhile.

Picked up this blender from Clymer, bought it long ago and forgot about it, it was buried


Who the fok knew a good blender could be one of life's true pleasures?
I do not have a passionate hatred of Pierre McGuire. I listened to him pretty much every day when his segment coincided with my commute.

But there is something about his combination of extreme in-depth knowledge, and his monotone, and his flights of verbal diarrhea, and his tendency to be sickeningly agreeable with everything the host says. That's what led me to comment here.

He's one of these guys who says, "Have a good day," when he's leaving at the end of his segments. I mean, jesus guy. Have a good day? That's what you got?

I recall one time recently he signed off on a Friday with, "Have a good weekend everyone. Enjoy your families."

Well. Aren't you special.

I mean, like, fok.