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Random thoughts

Boys we say goodbye to one Gamelive New Years resolution tonight.

It's with sadness towards the community but not towards myself that I tell you that I spoke with MM Girl tonight in depth and she has a new found boyfriend. She's all smitten and giddy and all that and I am happy for her. He's a local, she needs a local and we all know I'm never really a Clymer local. Nothing against them just not me not to mention I myself am balls deep in a thing.

Even Wally wanted it and it won't happen sure they might not make it but I feel this is the universe knowing.

Rip MM Girl. I see one big happy family there when all is said and done

don't be so hard on yourself Stevie! don't tell yourself you don't belong with your cohort and geography

Stevie, while MM girl, her BF, and 90% of the Clymer population look down upon your for your drinking habits, ceiling tiles, and dating relationship history.....

but here at GL we know the real yous and we accept yous for who y'all are and we know you have a bright future, that just may well include bellying up to a Clymer bar in 20 years and having all the locals KNOW YOUR NAME

don't be so hard on yourself Stevie! don't tell yourself you don't belong with your cohort and geography

I will and I will. They are fine people. I'm not a dick. I do understand reality and reality is I am not a local because of animosity from a huge family around here about how me and ookie went south.

Stevie, while MM girl, her BF, and 90% of the Clymer population look down upon your for your drinking habits, ceiling tiles, and dating relationship history.....

They do and it's cool. I live a decent life. I work my ass off and do what I want with my free time without very many limits. I have more money then almost all of them only because I work my ass off. Drinking habits? Abusing my body is fun. Dating history? Mostly fun. They come and they go. I was just looking for something and I say that's cool. Tile? I rent and I don't care.

but here at GL we know the real yous and we accept yous for who y'all are and we know you have a bright future, that just may well include bellying up to a Clymer bar in 20 years and having all the locals KNOW YOUR NAME

Cheers is top 4 on my favorite shows of all time. At the same time I know This can't be me thus a great part of why much of what it is is what it is. I love you for saying this brother though. It's a deep fear of mine at this point, nothing against any of them.


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if your not a local how did you end up in Clymer?
doesnt sound like a place folks move to for jobs and shit....

I'm stuck here in my small town cause I was born and raised here and stuck in my trade

Ex Fiancee in Marion Center not 5 miles away (Enigma knows he has the Koozie and the Veggies because heis a fucking guru) at the time. We decided to live apart and see if it would work out so I chose something local.

I could not be more glad it did not work out. I did not know freedom or anything else during or soon after that. I'm not saying I totally do now but I'll damned if I am not getting closer.

Regarding job etc. I caught a break there. Been working remotely going on 2 years now. Lucky? maybe in some facets. I also pull it from 8 - 9 every weekday and I pound weekends too. When you are truly fucked and you catch a break you go insane, about it. It's worked out.
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if your not a local how did you end up in Clymer?
doesnt sound like a place folks move to for jobs and shit....

I'm stuck here in my small town cause I was born and raised here and stuck in my trade

followed a clymer girl there I think Senco....

he's fully a bright lights big city guy though, and almost the richest guy in clymer so soon he'll return to the big time