Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

how often do yall have to tune your guitars?
mine seems to go out of tune about every other day...
assuming cause its not top a of the line guitar
been playing at least 2 hours a day since I got it

or maybe the strings are just stretching out and getting out of tune
Depends how fussy I am feeling. Sometimes I will go ahead and play knowing that it is slightly out of tune but I just say fuck it.

If I want it to be right on though, every other day sounds about right. My guitar is also not top-of-the-line - plus it sits in a spot where it is subject to more temperature and pressure variations than it really should if I took good care. Every other day tuning sounds reasonable to me.

I don't play anywhere near 2 hours a day though. Good for you.
Depends how fussy I am feeling. Sometimes I will go ahead and play knowing that it is slightly out of tune but I just say fuck it.

If I want it to be right on though, every other day sounds about right. My guitar is also not top-of-the-line - plus it sits in a spot where it is subject to more temperature and pressure variations than it really should if I took good care. Every other day tuning sounds reasonable to me.

I don't play anywhere near 2 hours a day though.
Good for you.
havent been working so its kept me occupied in my freetime.
sometimes cant put it down, might have a break through moment and it gets the juices flowing

discovered drop d tuning with distortion last week :greencheck:
Just out for a drive and there were dead squirrels everywhere. Talking about squirrels that got run over by cars. It is not unusual to see dead squirrels in the roads around here but this was some kind of extreme carnage. There must have been 10 little furry-tailed carcasses in the little 13 minute drive back and forth.

It was like my drive to the store was directed by Oliver Stone.
you mean different songs being tuned different?


Unless you're playing in front of thousands of adoring fans or laying down tracks for a recording I don't see why this would be necessary

I'm anal. Also, when playing a distorted electric, anything that's microtonally out of tune is flagrant, you can hear the clashing waves very clearly.
Just out for a drive and there were dead squirrels everywhere. Talking about squirrels that got run over by cars. It is not unusual to see dead squirrels in the roads around here but this was some kind of extreme carnage. There must have been 10 little furry-tailed carcasses in the little 13 minute drive back and forth.

It was like my drive to the store was directed by Oliver Stone.

Are you sure they were dead and not just sleeping?