Thanks all. Good news is, we got to spend the whole evening with him. He insisted on being brought up on the couch (he had stopped even trying to jump up about 6 months ago) so he could lay down next to us, he even climbed on the GF's lap and rested on her for a bit, which he had never done before.
But I'm afarid that's the only good news I got. He had an obstruction somewhere down his intestine, probably from eating chicken wing bones yet again, and his old heart was beating twice as fast as it normally would. Vet said he was likely very ill on top of having the obstruction, and he was not stable enough to have a good chance of surviving surgery - she couldn't even keep him hydrated with IV fluids.
Last memory I'll have is him perking up and wagging his tail when we entered the ER room. I got to say goodnight around 2am, and at 6:30am, the vet called to explain that he was quickly deteriorating. He was put to sleep about an hour ago.
Losing my buddy after 14 years is pretty fucking horrible. Every pet owner dreads this moment obviously... only good thing is that Pogo went downhill very suddenly and didn't have to be in pain for very long at all.
RIP old pal :

