So tomorrow we work out and zip up whenever. We stop by the bar that looks very cool, do a few shots and fuck around. That bartender is very cute but I'm sure I don't have a shot. Let's see if we can make her giggle is about it. Then we head in. We grind hard. With no mistakes, like it's been lately. If we're in the mood we stop by the strip club and see that girl that smacks me around a bit and I tell her how it has to be that if I make a mistake she gets money for the slaps but also to be completely mean. If I've been good, then she makes me feel good. I think she will dig it and she has certainly earned it. We are writing out name and number on pieces of paper for the beauties. You want to chill cool, you don't then all good. We got a good fort now to come home to after the grind so that's cool. Will probably take Tuesday off to do this bar league thing, see girls and Air Bnb it.
Man, life has changed. Mortgages are very cool, but this is pretty fun.