Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I actually got pretty good at gambling but I think I might decide to be a rockstar pretty soon.

It's weird, and I didn't just say that.

Blitty - I really didn't just say that.

Matty - I didn't just say that.

Rogie - I definitely didn't just say that.

I didn't say that. You didn't say that. She didn't say that.

She definitely did NOT just say that.

Okay. I have done my third sample and everything has gone into the proper foil envelope - and then into the big envelope - along with the doctor's requisition. My poop is ready to mail.

There are no mailboxes super-handy on my commute to work though. Well, not that I know of. Who is even aware of mailbox locations any more?

I know where one is. It's over there. I'll probably stick my poop in there tomorrow when things are more relaxed.

I'll keep my envelope of poop around the house for another day.

Did you reach into toilet for logs?

Or just go on table and use butter knife to slice out samples?
Did you reach into toilet for logs?

Or just go on table and use butter knife to slice out samples?

I prepared the toilet with a bunch of strategically placed, folded toilet paper, criss-crossing over the surface of the water. So the turds just landed and sat on top and I was able to poke them with sticks to my hearts content.

Now fortunately I was able to do this Mon-Tues-Wed. I have smaller poops during the week for some reason - then on Friday there is a more extreme purge.

I don't think my toilet paper criss-cross strategy would have worked on a Friday.

My Friday poop destroys everything in its path.
I prepared the toilet with a bunch of strategically placed, folded toilet paper, criss-crossing over the surface of the water. So the turds just landed and sat on top and I was able to poke them with sticks to my hearts content.

Now fortunately I was able to do this Mon-Tues-Wed. I have smaller poops during the week for some reason - then on Friday there is a more extreme purge.

I don't think my toilet paper criss-cross strategy would have worked on a Friday.

My Friday poop destroys everything in its path.

Ye olde TP toilet weave.

So tomorrow we work out and zip up whenever. We stop by the bar that looks very cool, do a few shots and fuck around. That bartender is very cute but I'm sure I don't have a shot. Let's see if we can make her giggle is about it. Then we head in. We grind hard. With no mistakes, like it's been lately. If we're in the mood we stop by the strip club and see that girl that smacks me around a bit and I tell her how it has to be that if I make a mistake she gets money for the slaps but also to be completely mean. If I've been good, then she makes me feel good. I think she will dig it and she has certainly earned it. We are writing out name and number on pieces of paper for the beauties. You want to chill cool, you don't then all good. We got a good fort now to come home to after the grind so that's cool. Will probably take Tuesday off to do this bar league thing, see girls and Air Bnb it.

Man, life has changed. Mortgages are very cool, but this is pretty fun.
So I wrote my phone number inside of a pack of gum. If I am interested, that's what they get. Not sure if that is sharp or looks preplanned. I guess I could probably tattoo my phone number on my ass and they can take a picture if they're interested.

If anyone is interested in giving me that tat please let me know.
So tomorrow we work out and zip up whenever. We stop by the bar that looks very cool, do a few shots and fuck around. That bartender is very cute but I'm sure I don't have a shot. Let's see if we can make her giggle is about it. Then we head in. We grind hard. With no mistakes, like it's been lately. If we're in the mood we stop by the strip club and see that girl that smacks me around a bit and I tell her how it has to be that if I make a mistake she gets money for the slaps but also to be completely mean. If I've been good, then she makes me feel good. I think she will dig it and she has certainly earned it. We are writing out name and number on pieces of paper for the beauties. You want to chill cool, you don't then all good. We got a good fort now to come home to after the grind so that's cool. Will probably take Tuesday off to do this bar league thing, see girls and Air Bnb it.

Man, life has changed. Mortgages are very cool, but this is pretty fun.

Holy fuck it's Steve.
true dat

and Houser I do want you to know that IAG will be squared away very soon, I've been in contact with her. I told her to apologize to FW for me as well.

She is an incredible person and that was just my unable to handle my life at the time stuff - things got worse and worse for years but that's the past now.

So your entire crew is deeply cool in my opinion. In fact there was a trick roller video over there that made me laugh very hard.
So good lines for the ladies right.

I guess you want to come across as being able to make them laugh but not like you don't take anything seriously which is tough for me because I really take very little if at all seriously. It probably depends what they do,want from life, etc. Also you want to come across as interested but not creepy. For me that's tough because we all know with my bipolar/shizo/alky shit I can very well come across as creepy. A lady that walked by me and my buddy last night threw the word creepy into a conversation possibly to see how I react. Since I have this hardball side to me that feels the need to come over the top of everything and I had had a few MLites I responded that I have an ex in Jersey whom used to play stalking games with me. THAT's the shit I have to turn off in spots like that because if she is/ends up knowing any of the girls I'm interested in she can tell them that shit and I do like crazy but the normal ones could get scared off.

I dropped this on a girl by that motel I was in and I think she did love it but I believe she had a boyfriend.

I said "you seen this guy? He's a little fucked up right now."


She laughed pretty hard. Another couple I was in a makeup aisle for and I asked them which mascara was right for me because I have a huge rack in the morning, they laughed very hard.

Working on my game. This guy can do this

or this

or this

and it'd be nice to think I can pull that shit off, but I cannot.


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Also if they give you information about themselves remember that SHIT.

This one on my way catching the train started talking to me because I saw her helping out a bum and I so smoothly said "well, aren't you a nice person". That shit was excellent and she walked and chatted with me for a bit, then told me her name, that she was headed out of town for a bit but works at this 711 which she gave me the intersection of. She was great and we could have had a great time if I could just remember which 711 it was and yeah there are JUST A FEW 711's in Philly. The fact that I can't remember that or where that incredible blonde works annoys me. Both great and both giving info. UNACCEPTABLE. FAIL!

We need to be more on point than that.