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Random thoughts

you make it sound kind of anticlimactic. Impressions? Problems? long term outlook? how'd it go down at first? Like Wally wrote? wet peach and heat and all that.

Ask Fiver how it went down, he saw the whole thing. We made out and hugged for hours in some Serbian bar. It was very sweet. In a non-homosexual-but-still-very-gay way.

There are no problems. Well, save for the fact that we don't yet know what we are to each other, all the while sharing an apartment, and now a bedroom.

I'd go back to my room, except that we both get horny during the night.



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That's what I thought. That's why I am slightly confused by the subdued reaction.

On an excitement scale from 1 to 10 where 10 is jumping up and down on Oprah's couch and 1 is kind of mumbling the news in a Random thoughts thread, this has to be considered a 1.

I was going for a "calm bomb" effect with that post. Failed experiment.

CaliGirl's question is a good one... is she convenient? No, no she's not. There's nothing convenient about this whole deal.

It's just... the reasons why it's not a good idea to date your roommate are all crashing on me at the same time. I knew it was a bad idea, I just had no real sense of what was so bad.

Like this one coworker said "Oh man, dating your roommate? Didn't you learn anything from all those sitcoms?" :biglaugh:

I like her a lot. I was a 9.5 on the Are you okay? scale this past Sunday. I am now an underslept 8. The drop has nothing to do with her. I like her a lot and am attached to her and attracted to her and the sex is excellent. And if we didn't already live together I could see us dating and getting to that point where one of us is always at the other's place. But right now, the undefined nature of our relationship is in my fokken face every waking second of my shared-living-space life.

Simple example - this morning, I'm about to head out to work and she's still in bed. I'm thinking - do I just say bye and leave? Do I go in the room and kiss her and shit? Both options, the casual and the relationship-y, feel weird. I went for the kiss. It was weird. We were mere roommates 4 days ago and now I'm suddenly acting like some kind of husband? The fok am I doing? :lol:

I don't know what we are and I'm totally forced to confront that fact a dozen times a day. That is the main, maybe only problem.

So yeah, I'd be in the same low-key, introspective mood no matter who the girl was.

I like her a lot. Small mercy.
Matty, above anyone here I should not give advice on this subject....................so naturally I will.

Don't sweat the "what if" crap. Focus on the positive and allow things to flow in a generic way. This person has already seen some of your bad and she still was attracted to you. You have seen some of her not so good and you are still attracted to her.

Naturally there are potential pitfalls as with any relationship and with this particular one there is the whole roommate aspect if things go wrong but don't dwell on the bullshit stuff and just concentrate on the warm special feeling you get when she's in your arms. The gay stuff is cool when a hint of love is in the air Matty.