Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

So gave younger chick my number. Was so funny, she knows I'm completely fucking insane and always gives me this scolding look. So I walk down looking pretty shitty and pretend I can barely afford what I'm buying as I give her the number in a lottery ticket. She, very quickly and I mean so quickly I didn't even catch it which never happens separates the two and as soon as I say I think you dropped something she says yeah I think I did and looks at the lottery ticket then me. Rest of the point of sale transaction is normal. So in return I go home take off the hat take a shower and come back in a polo looking borderline model. Now she's not on register her job is making food. Someone else rings me up and she triple takes scolding looks at me. Ball's hers now will she call or text? I hope. There's been a few of them making subtle offers but that is what I want for now. Have to play it smooth, always a challenge for me I just get so fucking excited, man. Girl I don't even know your name and I don't need to. Text me, let's have a ball and yes I have been flirting with a lot because I am shopping but if it's you that all ends, I don't cheat. I will take good care of both of us, if you're into it.

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Rest of the point of sale transaction is normal.

Lol I meant was as in she is smooth. As. Fuck. Dude you will like her if she gives me the green light man. I'm pretty sure that she didn't do anything last night because she is a hard, hard player and she knows I am too so let Bacon sweat it out. It's a bit of a blur because I was so nervous and had a buzz going but I was like listen I have the biggest crush on you and she just shook her head and said what? That's doesn't make any sense right as she went poker dealer on the ticket and number. Telling you man this could be a show and a fucking half. What is she, what does she do how is she that quick that young what in the holy fok. I hope we find out. If she says yes on our first date I'll pics msg you her smile and we can go from there. Does she play tennis. Does she play volleyball. Does she play soccer. She does something. Does she like poker. What is her family like. Does she like mini golf. Does she like cats. Does or could she like KOL. Prob not old U2 and that's cool. I play with my card and said sorry I can't stop and she looks into my eyes and doesn't say it but mouth the words "I know" with a big smile. She changes eye colors I didn't catch it at first but we went from deep green to deep blue and that's part of her brilliant game to own guys like me. Which ones are real? They were both just so fucking brilliant. Does she have her own place. Does, is, what, how, when, who, why. Holy. Shit.

I mean, whew. Where is this going to fucking go. I have fallen for this one so hard and the first pitch hasn't even been thrown yet, what the fuck.

I guess I'd have just a few to answer myself, though.
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Where is she. Why. Is she thinking about me. If so what is she thinking. I am thinking about her. I asked her if I was creeping her out and in return I got a big excited smile and the word "no" being mouthed. I cannot stop thinking about her. I am in heat. I need to make her feel perfect over and over again and have her smiling about the flowers I just gave her with a soft kiss. Then I need to bend her over and make her thank the world. Then I need to carry her wherever she wants to go. How is she today, I want to know. Does she have rollerblades, I do but I'd have to remember how to stop. I can never remember how to stop. What color are her eyes today. What is she wearing, every item. What would she like to be wearing.What would she like to eat. What has she tasted today. How is the weather treating her, is she enjoying it. Has she blown a platypus yet today.

Have you?

I should probably find out her name first, I guess.

Oh my f$%$ f$^$$$$$

Girl, everyone's been trying to take me down. You won.

I mean, if that's what you're into.
Anyone still have to do their taxes? I'm doing mine tonight! Just wondering what the latest date due by for Canada? :dunno:

You want to file in Canada if the date is later than the filing date for the US?

Well played monsieur monkee, well played.

"Filing due dates for the 2014 tax return
Generally, your return for 2014 has to be filed on or before April 30, 2015."
