Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

They could easily make light bulbs that last 10-20 years but the purposely make them short lived to sell more, no?

Kind of annoying.

I don't think so. I have heard the same conspiracy theory about other products too. Like the car companies know how to make an engine that will never break down - but they just don't.

That would mean that, in a free market system, people are purposely staying away from producing a superior product. Companies actually go out of business without using knowledge they have as a competitive advantage. Why? To keep the sweetheart deal going for their surviving competitors?

Doesn't sound right to me.
The short-sightedness of consumers is a thing for sure. I imagine there are one hell of a lot of people where, if you offered them lightbulbs that cost 10x as much as regular lightbulbs - but last 20x as long - they would go for what is going to cost less over the next 10 seconds.
If ambience is your thing Walmart is hell. Bacon's thing is efficiency, I want to be at home with what I bought as soon as possible, I want to pay as little as possible and I need to not have to go anywhere else.

Walmart has it all, except ambience.

Example of bad ambience - dude probably about 28 slowly walking down the dairy aisle whistling (badly). Not looking at any products. I guess that's his thing - doing that. Bacon does not understand.
The short-sightedness of consumers is a thing for sure. I imagine there are one hell of a lot of people where, if you offered them lightbulbs that cost 10x as much as regular lightbulbs - but last 20x as long - they would go for what is going to cost less over the next 10 seconds.

Most people on fixed/lower income will take the lower priced item most every time. Why do you think they shrink the sizes? People Value something at $5, that's what they will spend on that item. If it rises, they move to the next lower price.