Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

But then the other question is, what about when someone goes to sneeze but they stifle it? Does that require a bless you? You think about the psychology of stifling a sneeze - I'm not sure the person even wants acknowledgment. I think they want to pretend that nothing ever happened.

I wish people wouldn't stifle their sneezes. Just let them go. I'm afraid someday I am going to witness something horrid as a result of a stifled sneeze involving eyeballs popped out of their sockets and dangling down upon cheeks.

I would find that a bit much.
Good question. On giving this a mulling over, I estimate that I say "Excuse me," about 33% of the times I sneeze.

I think the main situation where I would say it would be if I was with people I know and there was some funny/goofy way to say it. I don't actually consider it appropriate to say "Excuse me," about a sneeze. Excuse me suggests I have done something wrong or something impolite. A sneeze is completely involuntary and is as big an imposition to me as anyone. It makes about as much sense for someone else to say Sorry when I sneeze as for me to say Excuse me.

I may be wrong about that. Maybe I say Excuse me more habitually. I'll have to monitor that going forward.
Sneezing could interrupt a conversation a train of thought or simply the peaceful tranquility of simple silence. Not saying excuse me seems awfully rude at the worst and potentially too conscious of being less masculine at the least.

Muddy you are neither rude nor should you be concerned about you masculinity so say it and maintain the level of politeness Sara would be proud of. I bet if you make it onto Jeopardy and you sneeze in Alex's presence you'll say excuse me.
Good question. On giving this a mulling over, I estimate that I say "Excuse me," about 33% of the times I sneeze.

I think the main situation where I would say it would be if I was with people I know and there was some funny/goofy way to say it. I don't actually consider it appropriate to say "Excuse me," about a sneeze. Excuse me suggests I have done something wrong or something impolite. A sneeze is completely involuntary and is as big an imposition to me as anyone. It makes about as much sense for someone else to say Sorry when I sneeze as for me to say Excuse me.

I may be wrong about that. Maybe I say Excuse me more habitually. I'll have to monitor that going forward.

Here is the latest on gamelive nephew. Starting to sit up now.

Won't be long before he is on here telling Casper to just stop it guy.

I'm told he has my forehead.



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Muddy this isn’t an Ask Muddy thread but this question is completely random so maybe it should kind of go here.

If Jenny decided she wanted you to have a sexual free-for-all with you fantasy woman (say Flo for instance) but the stipulation was you had to agree to get a Prince Albert, do you get freaky Muddy?