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Random thoughts

I recall a previous discussion about the temperature disparities between Canadian cupboards and living quarters in general. I don't know if it was this thread. It had to do with someone suggesting you should heat up Nutella so you could spread it easier after taking it out of a cold Canadian cupboard.

There was some debate. I had no strong opinion at the time.

Here's what I am noticing recently though. I have a high cupboard where I stash chocolate stuff like fancy chocolate bars and peppermint chocolate cups and whatnot. Lately I have been noticing that they are quite melty when I go for them.

My Canadian cupboards are actually unusually warm. I don't like my chocolate that melty so I have moved it to a different shelf. It's too early to gauge the results. I will let you know. I may just end up leaving my chocolate out in the open somewhere. On toppa the fridge or something. My cupboards might actually have a bit if a sauna effect going on.

So that's an update on that.
Here's what I wonder though. Seriously. They sell whole chickens at my grocery store for 11 bucks. Whole cooked chickens to be exact.

Does it really cost less than $11 dollars to feed a chicken for its whole life? I guess so. There has to be a margin. But 11 bucks is so little money for a lifetime. How old are chickens when they kill them anyway?

Of course that doesn't even count all the other overhead. Also, any profit is split. The farmer needs to make a profit but so does the grocery store.

It just all seems so razor-thin, these margins. It can't possibly work.

I feel like at some point someone is going to realize it is all smoke and mirrors, and people who thought they were making a living are completely broke, and chickens will become so expensive you will have to buy them on installment plans.
xylophone is from greek origins. It means wood voice.

AHHHHHH, I'm suddenly being skeletonized by a school of piranhas! It hurts like hell and it doesn't make sense! I don't even particularly like the xylophone and the study of fish is ichthyology! Why is this happening to me?!

Killed by a Human.

Except fish.
Oooh. Topical.

A lot of times with foreign languages I can get a good idea what is being said just from my general understanding of word roots and origins. That was not true in this case. Had to do the look-up.

The result filled me with delight.

German's weird. You have words like:

Ente (duck)
Rock (skirt)
Kartoffeln (potato)
Gelb (yellow)

and then you have stuff like

Radiator (radiator)
Baby (baby)
Orange (orange)
Fit (fit)


This Duolingo app is amazing btw. Makes learning basic grammar and vocabulary so quick and easy.
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