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random SPORTS thoughts

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The Nationals have won ten games in a row while the A's and Tigers have slumped since picking up Lester and Price. I was thinking the Nats could be the new favorite to win, then I realized home field advantage is a factor, at which point I realized I didn't know who had home field advantage because I couldn't remember who won the fucking all star game.

You know what's stupid?

If the Nats could get the best overall record why in THE FUCK shouldn't they have home field? That is so FUCKING stupid. How could anyone fuck that up? What the fuck is wrong with people? I fuck things up but even I wouldn't fuck that up.
I am still holding a voodoo whammy curse over the Natinals anyway over their gay use of Steven Strasbourg (??) a couple years ago where they made the playoffs but didn't pitch him. For that, they should be cursed to 100 years with no World Series - MINIMUM.
I agree that is very stupid, so let's say the Dodgers instead get in with the best record, it goes to 7 games then game 7 if say Detroit is there is in Detroit? One game, in Detroit because of this retardedness. Sure a little Upton footage but otherwise a fucking PUT ON.

It's an outrage. It's a fucking farce.
Well we're going in circles. I love it in the most profound terms. I would like it if they made it so the team from the league that wins the all-star game gets games 1-2-3-5-6 at home and the losing league only gets game 4 and 7 (if necessary).
Yeah and I'd be thrilled if the team that had the best overall record was immediately excluded from any playoff appearance and blasted into outerspace on a giant turnip wearing jamaican bobsled team uniforms. But I guess we can't always get what we want, now can we.
Here's what I have decided:

If a second NHL team is added in the Toronto area - which I believe will happen in the next 4 years - I will be a fan of that team.

Like, not a FAN fan, but in the same way I am a fan of the Blue Jays and Raptors - I will be telling myself they are my team and be ready to get excited if anything noteworthy happens.

That kind of shit.

I hope it happens and I will have my team.