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random SPORTS thoughts

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The Nationals have won ten games in a row while the A's and Tigers have slumped since picking up Lester and Price. I was thinking the Nats could be the new favorite to win, then I realized home field advantage is a factor, at which point I realized I didn't know who had home field advantage because I couldn't remember who won the fucking all star game.

You know what's stupid?

I am still holding a voodoo whammy curse over the Natinals anyway over their gay use of Steven Strasbourg (??) a couple years ago where they made the playoffs but didn't pitch him. For that, they should be cursed to 100 years with no World Series - MINIMUM.
I agree that is very stupid, so let's say the Dodgers instead get in with the best record, it goes to 7 games then game 7 if say Detroit is there is in Detroit? One game, in Detroit because of this retardedness. Sure a little Upton footage but otherwise a fucking PUT ON.

It's an outrage. It's a fucking farce.
Yeah and I'd be thrilled if the team that had the best overall record was immediately excluded from any playoff appearance and blasted into outerspace on a giant turnip wearing jamaican bobsled team uniforms. But I guess we can't always get what we want, now can we.
Here's what I have decided:

If a second NHL team is added in the Toronto area - which I believe will happen in the next 4 years - I will be a fan of that team.

Like, not a FAN fan, but in the same way I am a fan of the Blue Jays and Raptors - I will be telling myself they are my team and be ready to get excited if anything noteworthy happens.

That kind of shit.

I hope it happens and I will have my team.