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Ouija Board experiences

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I will go into detail on the Ouija board experience tonight. I was worried that it could be a tricky spirit that we contacted and it had agreed that it would see me in my dreams so I was ready to be messed with last night if this was the case. It is not though I was not messed with at all and destiny continues to shine for us.

I expected to win Powerball or the pick 6 but not to be for now I guess.

Big closing yesterday woo hoo. Another one tomorrow. Pretty damn good.

I look forward to speaking with you guys tonight have a great day.

Edit - how is my new FB pic?

oh wow:lol:

Operation swoop and take as best I can recap.

Alright we all knew the start. Brutal break up with the ex because I couldn't ditch my job to go rake dead grass out of an abandoned lawn. So flattering. And rightly so.

Well let's go 9 years back.

Yes, I was a bad boy. I managed a telemarketing office that knew was a dead end job so I made the most of it. When I say made the most of it what I specifically mean is I banged my employees. Denushia. 2 Nikkis. Maybe 1 or 2 more I'm not sure. The move was shoot them a message on their screen to come to my office. Then take them around back to the elevator, and, well you know. Next thing I know shit gets out of control. I have young showing me their tits and asses right next to their employees. This one, however, got to me.

She bought the same shpiel the others did. Procative post its. The thing is she returned every one and more. From me writing a shady massage on her screen saying "Come into the office when you get a chance so I can play with your clit" to her catching me on a phone call with corporate bitching about bad ratios as she is tounging a lillipop like it's Mr. Happy and I'm ready to gizz in my pants while my boss's boss is on the phone being an asshole to me.

One thing lead to another and we ended up sitting in a tree in my back yard making out. I don't know why a tree. I'm sure it was by her design. Next thing I know my roomate is calling me as I am passed out drunk and curious who the hot young blond is that is passed out in a one piece dress on the couch as I am upstairs. I wake her up, she asked if I want her to leave. I say no. We fuck all weekend.

Then one night I get very drunk and call her and break up with her because I was a drunk asshole. She just says "Oh man" and complains some and then lets me go. I call 2 hours later and ask her to be my GF again. No dice. She stood her ground. We were then apart for a long time.

About a year later i hit her up with some songs and things I had written about her. She reluctantly took it knowing I was an abusive asshole and we dated for awhile. Then that office got shut down and we called it quits. After that I wrote pretty much an albums worth of stuff and poetry and what not. I could get other girls. I just wanted her and I didn't know why.

Enter my now ex. Enter her now ex. Both not right for us and not going into elaborate detail you guys know a lot of it.

Re enter Nickyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~

My ex roomate says to me "What about Nicky ____". Said I didn't know what was up with her but that I probably would've heard from her if she wanted to talk to me. So I shot her a msg on the FB as follows "You knoew me at a strange time. You were always pretty kewl though"

Nothing for like a week didn't expect anything either. Then one day she accepts my invitation. I immediately post next to it "yay!". Immediately she is in chat and it is on like donkeykong. Going into some things I used to write her, etc. etc.

174 Steps in and decides to impress her by getting her into a hotel room. She gives me the WHOAH SLOW DOWN! and everything comes to a screaching halt. I except it, go to sleep and go back to work.

About 1 o'clock the next day write smack dab in the middle of the day the sequel to the best thing I have ever written her forces its way out of me. I accept it as venting or whatever. and take a lunch and go back to work.

That night she is on the FB chat. She is giving me a kind of quiz about the initial work, out of nowhere, we hadn't talked about it. I'm like the sequel of it forced its way out of me about mid day today. Next thing is she's calling me, and it officially begins - the swoop and take.

The 1st step was a track phone. Communication is key. The old straight talk unlimited is a perfect fit for this kind of operation. Then being that the visit to her hometown was officially on it was William Shattner time. The Atherton. The Hampton. More than 3 cases of beer consumed during the evenings. You guys know the numbers on the sex. I wouldn't even call it that. We are talking about the most sheer unadulterated expressions of passion I have experienced on this Earth. And like every fucking time. I pray to God that both hotels threw those sheets out.

We decide it's destiny. I decide on approval from the Mother to expedite things. We call her on conference call. I decide to run the show. Bad call. I tell her about us. I get "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT". So she comes to meet us. We go and sit down at a restaurant and I proclaim my love for her daughter and how it is going to be for her daughter form now on. The tables around us just go quiet and listen. We end up at a picnic table outside. Her mother has the same phone too. At the beginning of everything it was like who the fuck is this Steve guy. At the end it was Croonchy Frog Confuse A Cat and Spring Surprise.

Next time to lose the ex that had been basically squatting at her place and stealing her money. Enter the Car Bomb.

We are taking turns fucking and drinking all night so about 4 am he rolls onto FB under her account. Writing "I know you are with some guy named Steve. I happen to be sitting right in front of the computer picking more music for us to make love to. So I'm just like "Hiya". Then I just let him talk. Now on my facebook had been, before Bread's epic picture, a picture of the Philadelphia Flyer's Enforcer Daniel Carcillo. 2 Teeth and everything. So her ex starts calling me there very specific names "You testosterone addicted asshole" "you HGH imbiscule". I'm like that's weird. I work out and i'm probably like 10 pounds overweight so why would anyone ever say those things to me. He proceeds to be true trash and write "I am a whore" and shit in her account. I swiftly get him logged out and change all the passwords.

Anyway she gets ont he FB chat awhile he continues to act like a child. I let them flow. About 5 am I decide that he needs to get out of her place ASAP. The only way for it to happen is if she calls him.

So she does. His 1st words "Is this about the fame? Is this about the money? It won't last more than a year when he gets traded. Then it hits me square in the ear. He thought I was CAR BOMB Carcillo!" But some version of him names Steve. Made work a lot easier for her in the break up, to the extent that the next day when I was driving her to her Mother's his parents' RV drives by because they are on their way to her apartment so he can pick his shit up.

Pretty funny most of it. Some things not so funny, this guy is a total and I mean TOTAL douche. 2 days later he gets engaged to the girl he was cheating on her all along with that he lied about. He does property damage. Writes a bunch of nonsense on the refrigerator that he tried to clean up I guess when he woke up and realized he committed a crime but no dice. Steals many things form her. Move a glass shelf in her medicine cabinet, it just falls apart because he broke it, then place it back together to that no one could tell unless they touched it. Her modem - she is still paying for internet and can't use it because he stole everything. He owes more than $800 in rent and other bills that she gave him the $ to pay that he didn't.

She did go in before he came back for final clean up and grabbed his top of the line camping equipment worth over $1k. Good game you fucking piece of trash. We will fuck like rabbits in your fucking sleeping bag. Douche.

Anyway. So it's pretty deep when we hang out. Well deep but not deep. We do the craziest shit. No drugs. Just sheer unadulterated passion. Non stop fucking. The best movies. Everything is brilliant.

And yes, the Ouija board. I was not controlling it and I know she doesn't. It specifically said to us that Jesus brought us together and to keep seeing the signs. It said personal things to me on what do do about some things. I've never believed in that stuff and I was raised Catholic and had drifted towards Athiesm but have been so floored by this whole experiences. We get together and the craziest things happen over and over and over again.

It was flowers at work her her today in front of her coworkers.

We share Heaven. I know that version of the story was weak I wanted to tell it when I was really trashed but shit it's a work night and I got mad shit to do tomorrow.

Have a good night Gamelive. I heart you.
She did go in before he came back for final clean up and grabbed his top of the line camping equipment worth over $1k

this really made the story for me.

It specifically said to us that Jesus brought us together and to keep seeing the signs.
awesome totally awesome.

stevie, great story guey. thanks for laying it all out on the line for us. gnight my sweet prince.
The equipment is held in escrow until the rest is made good. Actually it was a mutual gift as was the laptop she loves that he never used so one might call that a wash aside form all the other shit.

The letters were in rapid succession too. I know the Ouija is really out there and makes us sound ridiculous but shit - it did happen, and as RJ will tell you I am full disclosure no matter what.