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Vegas odds on who the last King or Queen will be in Game of Thrones
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Cersei Lannister -130
Daenerys Targaryen +160
Gendry +350
Jon Snow +1000
Tyrion Lannister +1000
Sansa Stark +1200
Petyr Baelish +1400
Jaime Lannister +1800
Arya Stark +2500
Bran or Benjen Stark +3500
Theon Greyjoy +4000
Yara Greyjoy +4500
Davos Seaworth +6600
Lyanna Mormont +6600
The Night King +6600
Varys +6600
Euron Greyjoy +8000
Qyburn +8000
Brienne of Tarth +12000
Samwell Tarly +13000
Tormund Giantsbane +13000
Melisandre +15000
Ellaria Sand +15000
Sandor or Gregor Clegane +15000
Jorah Mormont +16000
Jaqen H'ghar +17500
Olenna Tyrell +20000
Grey Worm +20000
Bronn of the Blackwater +20000
Podrick Payne +20000
Daario Naharis +20000
Missandei +25000
Meera Reed +30000
Gilly +30000
If we had a decent userbase someone would've laughed at that by now.


Your problem is you have set such a high standard that something like that is just, yeah, okay.

Now we had two different sorts of important appearances in that episode. One occurred in the actual scene with the dubious wine and that was Ed Sheeran. I make nothing of that. They just threw him in there because sometimes that's what you do. That doesn't have to go anywhere. Generate a bit of buzz. Whatever.

HOWEVER, I have to think that the crusty Citadel coroner who was ordering Sam to weigh organs and clean shit up - he will have a significant part to play. We are not done with him. You don't just bring in Jim Broadbent and not give him an arc.
Vegas odds on who the last King or Queen will be in Game of Thrones
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Cersei Lannister -130
Daenerys Targaryen +160
Gendry +350
Jon Snow +1000
Tyrion Lannister +1000
Sansa Stark +1200
Petyr Baelish +1400
Jaime Lannister +1800
Arya Stark +2500
Bran or Benjen Stark +3500
Theon Greyjoy +4000
Yara Greyjoy +4500
Davos Seaworth +6600
Lyanna Mormont +6600
The Night King +6600
Varys +6600
Euron Greyjoy +8000
Qyburn +8000
Brienne of Tarth +12000
Samwell Tarly +13000
Tormund Giantsbane +13000
Melisandre +15000
Ellaria Sand +15000
Sandor or Gregor Clegane +15000
Jorah Mormont +16000
Jaqen H'ghar +17500
Olenna Tyrell +20000
Grey Worm +20000
Bronn of the Blackwater +20000
Podrick Payne +20000
Daario Naharis +20000
Missandei +25000
Meera Reed +30000
Gilly +30000

MrsM has had this theory before this season started ..... Jon Snow is the nephew of Daenerys! Her older brother along with Ned's sister gave birth to him! And MrsM thinks Jon was able to come back from the dead cause he has the Targaryen fire blood in him from his father! :dunno:

So Vegas knows for sure there will be a King or Queen? MrsM gave thought that Daenerys (Queen) might inter-marry Jon (King)? Without Jon coming back from the dead she was finished with watching the show! :yes:
One problem with that list is there should be a number for "the field." I mean, come on. The way the show has gone, the last king could end up being Ned Stark or some damn thing. Why not?

Hell, we didn't even see Stannis Baratheon being killed. He has to be more of a candidate than some of those names. And where the fuck is Hodor?

But okay, you don't have to offer a number for the field. If someone outside the list wins, the house takes all bets. Crappy but legit. You don't like it, don't bet.

But there are other potential problem areas. Like someone could also be someone else. Like maybe Bran is also The Night King or some damn thing. How do you grade that shit? Maybe there is more than one king or queen at the end. Why not? That has been the case all along.

MrsM has had this theory before this season started ..... Jon Snow is the nephew of Daenerys! Her older brother along with Ned's sister gave birth to him! And MrsM thinks Jon was able to come back from the dead cause he has the Targaryen fire blood in him from his father! :dunno:

So Vegas knows for sure there will be a King or Queen? MrsM gave thought that Daenerys (Queen) might inter-marry Jon (King)? Without Jon coming back from the dead she was finished with watching the show! :yes:

No I think Jon snow is Daenary's half brother

Ned was a like a teen in the scene where Ned's sister tells Ned who the father is.

So it would have been Danaey's father who would have been the right age 20-25 years in the past to have impregnated Ned's sister. Danaery's brother would have been like an infant then
No I think Jon snow is Daenary's half brother

Ned was a like a teen in the scene where Ned's sister tells Ned who the father is.

So it would have been Danaey's father who would have been the right age 20-25 years in the past to have impregnated Ned's sister. Danaery's brother would have been like an infant then

If it was Rhaegar, like it was implied, that is Dany's brother, making Dany his aunt. Rhaegar is the one that "kidnapped" Lyanna.
I watched the series premier of the AMC show Loaded. It was okay and I'll try another episode but the current line on me lasting 6 episodes: +300

In other AMC news, Halt and Catch Fire returns in August. They are calling it The Final Season so I guess it will be the final season.
GoT discussion. May be a bit spoily if you haven't seen the latest episode.

So we got Urine Greyjoy now as the latest baddest baddie. I know, his name is Euron but he's so mean, I am teaching him a lesson by calling him Urine.

Theon had no choice. He was not a coward - he simply had no play in the moment.

My prediction is he will bide his time and have his revenge.

I am definitely leaning towards Daenarys now at +160 (or whatever the new line may be)
GoT discussion. May be a bit spoily if you haven't seen the latest episode.

So we got Urine Greyjoy now as the latest baddest baddie. I know, his name is Euron but he's so mean, I am teaching him a lesson by calling him Urine.

Theon had no choice. He was not a coward - he simply had no play in the moment.

My prediction is he will bide his time and have his revenge.

I am definitely leaning towards Daenarys now at +160 (or whatever the new line may be)

Theon reverted back to Reek. That was just heartbreaking to watch. The Mr. thought that Theon would have done something redeemable after all the damage that he had done, but I thought he had when he helped Sansa and then endorsed Yara as queen. He'll definitely need to redeem himself again.

I like Euron. He's enjoyable to watch. I hated him last season, but I loved his cocky swagger when he was trying to win over Cersei while taking little digs at Jamie.
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I'll tell you what I thought they should have done. Regarding the leader of the Unsullied, Grey Worm - when he got nekkid, they should have shown his junk or lack thereof. They could have used special effects as necessary.

Why not?

Should've gone for it.
I'm still going with Snowfall. It has a bit of that age-old problem of diving so hard into plot, plot, plot that there's been little time left for developing characters. As a result I don't care much about who succeeds or whatever. They just feel like chess pieces being moved around.

But some of the action is compelling enough.