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Currently giving Lost in Translation a second viewing.

I know there are many people who, in a discussion of the hottest woman on the planet, will put Scarlett Johansson in the discussion, possibly even in first place.

I rate her a 6.9 but no matter. As the one person who understands and is comfortable with the concept of subjectivity I am saying, fine.

Just thinking though: it must have been very exciting for them when she did that full frontal nudity movie. Lucy? I think? The hottest woman in the world is suddenly nekkid for the first time?

That's gotta be a thing.

Not sure who I would like to see nekkid more than anyone else right now.


First saw S. Johansson in Ghost World and developed an insta-crush on that quirky little blonde. I thought she'd be a safe, quirky little celebrity crush. Masses of men would drool over Megan Fox or some shit and I'd have my quirky little Scarlett.

Then BAM! She becomes this interplanetary hyperstar.

Still weirded out by this. She doesn't seem like mainstream droolage material.
She's not a very good actress IMO. She isn't in my doghouse level with Anne Hathaway, Keira Knightley, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts etc.

She is not a million miles away but no, she's not there. I don't avoid movies just because she is in them.

I guess what I am saying is, sometimes talent level affects how I see women. Illusion or not, it's a thing with me. Like in a drastic case, Shania Twain went from 7.8 down to a 5 as I heard more and more of her music. Talking strictly attractiveness and how interested I am in looking at her.

Jessica Chastain keeps increasing incrementally with every movie of hers I see.

Scarlett clearly gets no bonus points on that level. Maybe a small deduction? I dunno. It's all sub-conscious stuff but probably a small deduction.

Bottom line for me: she is a perfectly presentable young woman. 6.9

I can judge women like this because I am so dreamy.
Seriously though, if a magic genie showed up and said I could see any person in the world nekkid RIGHT NOW, I believe I would pick cute chick at work.

I guess that is as much about knowing her as sheer absolute hotness. Some psychological angle with that.

I would never let on to her that I feel that way though. She's the one who talks about being approached by 30 year-olds on a dating site and sez, "Ewww. That's so old! Gross!"

All part of my experience as a 52 year-old unrelvant non-person.
I am hard-pressed to understand the fuss over Lost in Translation. Best Picture co-favorite and whatnot.

That was the year the Oscars went all goofy for the third Lord of the Rings movie. I would have voted for LIT over that.

Whatever - Ima just pretend none of that ever happened.

No but Lost in Translation is okay. But settle down.

6 out of 10.