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Complete agreement. I'm not a fan of Bridesmaids and I feel like a bad vagina carrier for saying that.

The whole chick angle of that movie really got blown out of proportion IMO. That movie - which is, in a lot of ways, like an Adam Sandler comedy - crude, obvious, beat-the-jokes-to-death - got quite a few noms and wins during award season. I could only interpret it as condescension to women. You didn't see Jack and fokking Jill getting Golden Globes.

It was like, good for you, girls! *pats girls on the head*

(Okay, Bridesmaids is a notch above Adam Sandler overall, but big chunks of it are right there.)
i like the new season, teela... like the new anne frank character too...last season started to get a bit boring...not bored this season yet :donthinkso:

I fell asleep, so I'm an episode behind. I saw the introduction of Anne Frank, but then fell asleep. I'm lame.

I love that they're giving the actors from last season new roles that are opposite of what they had played in the previous season. There are truly some incredibly talented actors in the cast. I had completely underestimated Lily Rabe and found her annoying (she played a somewhat whiny character last season, too)...until she was possessed. The alien story line might lose me though.
Moonrise Kingdom - God damn it. What is it about Wes Anderson movies that just bore the absolute shit out of me? Fell asleep watching it the first time. Finished it the next day. It's that normal, dry, "cutesy" shit that everyone not named MonkeyF0cker raves about. Meh. 5 F0cks.
Many times I have heard people say, "Wes Anderson: either you love him or you hate him."

Like most things described that way, I neither love nor hate him. I like him slightly. I grade him as neutral +.

Moonrise Kingdom I liked. Better than The Darjeeling Limited for sure. I give MK a 7. Terrible title though.

Overall imdb rating is 8. The MK imdb forum is dominated by debate on its appeal to pedophiles. Some predictably awful discussion there.
Many times I have heard people say, "Wes Anderson: either you love him or you hate him."

Like most things described that way, I neither love nor hate him. I like him slightly. I grade him as neutral +.

I just looked through his IMDB page and it turns out that I've never seen anything by him. I think he has a marketing problem where I'm concerned. He uses weird titles and weird meaningless imagery. I have no idea what his movies are about, and I don't care.

I'm lazy. Tell me what your movies are.
I guess Rushmore is considered his best? Maybe Moonrise Kingdom actually.

He is one of these aggressively quirky guys. Sometimes you reach points in his movies that are like, "Okay! I get it! You are quirky! Now where are we going?"

Sometimes it feels like a weak Coen Brothers imitation - with less direction and polish and less effective humor.

But sometimes he can be funny. With Moonrise Kingdom, he did manage to stir up an emotional response for me at points. Memories of first love and first kiss and whatnot. Even just the theme of camping as a boy and the way that was presented was significant to me personally.

Innocence lost I suppose.

But thinking back over his movies (as much as I can because I don't find them super-memorable) he is more about the quirky.
My Top 25 comedies (in no particular order):

Grandma's Boy
Super Troopers
Half Baked
Old School
Starsky and Hutch
Dumb and Dumber
Coming to America
Ace Ventura
Office Space
Nationa Lampoons Vacation
Napoleon Dynamite
Austin Powers
Team America
South Park Movie
There's Something about Mary
Wayne's World

My Top 25 comedies (in no particular order):

Grandma's Boy
Super Troopers
Half Baked
Old School
Starsky and Hutch
Dumb and Dumber
Coming to America
Ace Ventura
Office Space
Nationa Lampoons Vacation
King Pin
Along Came Polly
Sol Goode
Team America
South Park Movie
There's Something about Mary
Wayne's World
Top 25 comedies (no order)

Big Lebowski
Office Space
Caddy Shack
Raising Arizona
Howard Stern's Private Parts
Naked Gun
40-year-old Virgin
Something about Mary
Beavis and Butthead do America
Slap shot
Fast Times
Beverly Hills Cop
Wayne's World
My Cousin Vinny
Spinal Tap
Blues Brothers
Dumb and Dumber
Animal House
Wedding Crashers
Top 25 comedies (no order)

Big Lebowski
Office Space
Caddy Shack
Raising Arizona
Howard Stern's Private Parts
Naked Gun
40-year-old Virgin
Something about Mary
Beavis and Butthead do America
Slap shot
Fast Times
Beverly Hills Cop
Wayne's World
My Cousin Vinny
Spinal Tap
Blues Brothers
Dumb and Dumber
Animal House
Wedding Crashers

I could prob swap a few of these..