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So Trevor Noah is going to replace Jon Stewart as host of the Daily Show.

Did not see that coming.

He had some excellent thoughtful bits since becoming a Daily Show "correspondent." But I mean like, literally, a handful. He hasn't been around for long.

Really good stuff though. Caught everyone off-guard with some extreme Africa awareness. I'll see about digging up a clip.

And yeah, now that he's got the job people are forensic auditing his past tweeting. There is some weak stuff there. :dunno: I'm not offended by the anti-semitism or sexism or whatever. Just not that funny.

He'll have top writers on the Daily Show.

So it's all about presentation and the big question in my mind is: can he contain the smarminess? Albeit based on a small sample, my impression is, he's got a bit of a smarmy air about him.
not many agree, but i still think bb is pretty damn overrated...im not real sure when it caught fire, late part of the first season or the 2nd season maybe..it was all of a sudden uber popular to discuss bb... but people over reading too much into the show is so obnoxious... great show, sure... top 10 drama, probably... best show ever, not even fucking close...the last season was miserably bad compared to 2-3-4 , with 1 being okay, but its ignored because it had become so popular to love breaking bad... forget for a moment that the script was genius, for the most part, its one of those bandwagon shows that brought out the wannabee writer in so many people... reading too much into simplicity, in order to make it seem better than it was, and it caught on... IMO

bcs is hit and miss with each ep... half good, half somewhat boring...watchable .. i will say, mike must be extremely content to not take his daughter in law and grandkid somewhere with that 1.6 mil
Agree that people got goofy with Breaking Bad, but like you said, it's still up there as far as quality goes. Still a full notch below The Sopranos/The Wire and such.

Production values are really high with BB & BCS, which is part of the appeal to me. Lots of shots you would never see in other shows. They get really creative with their wide angle lenses.