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She sucks and I'm not watching that show but I know it sucks.

The New Sons of Anarchy was just actually some of the best TV I have seen in a long time.

Gamelive watch that shit.

I believe I will. I see it in my listings all the time and I keep saying no because I want to pick up where I left off (at the end of season 1) but I've been saying that for months and maybe I should just say fuck it and start watching wherever they happen to be.

Or else maybe I just need to put some effort into finding season 2 on the internet and then eventually (assuming I stick with it) I would get caught up with the TV.

Exact same deal for me with Boardwalk Empire. (Except with BE I would be looking to start with S1 Ep1).
Argo...it was entertaining, but did nothing to overly impress like a predicted best picture of the year should impress...7 matty rains

Killing Them Softly... i liked better that argo... nice and violent...i mean fucking brutal in parts... with some disgusting language just the way we like it... solid bunch of actors that didnt disappoint and decent story line... 8 matty rains
The show Shameless has grown on me. I remember commenting after seeing my first episode or 2 that I wasn't sure what the fuck. But now I am into season 2 and I look forward to it on my late Monday evenings. Not a flawless show. Not an all-timer. But it has sucked me in.

Emmy Rossum is a work of art.
I do want to say that Cami and I got around to watching Boardwalk Empire from 10.21 and contrary to claims by Blitty and Matty there was no Buschemi taking it up the ass scene. I don't have anything else to say except that Cami and I were really looking forward to that. I have no further response at this particular time.
I do want to say that Cami and I got around to watching Boardwalk Empire from 10.21 and contrary to claims by Blitty and Matty there was no Buschemi taking it up the ass scene. I don't have anything else to say except that Cami and I were really looking forward to that. I have no further response at this particular time.

Boyz, I even remembered to buy lotion and the Tissues.
Steve Buscemi's Agent - Morning Steve! I got good news, better news and bad news for you buddy.

Steve Buscemi - Yeah? what's the good news?

Agent - You were just offered a part in the On the Road movie.

Steve Buscemi - Not bad! What's the better news?

Agent - There's sex involved.


Steve Buscemi - Right on! What's the bad news?

Agent - You're the old fag who gets butt-fucked by Dean Moriarty.


Steve Buscemi - Typical.

On The Road is a fantastic 2-hour trailer for the book of the same name.

As a standalone movie though, I'm afraid that it won't have much of an audience. You need to have read the book, or read about the book, to appreciate this. And you need to care about the beatnik/bop cultural phenomena to enjoy this otherwise fine piece of film.

Love the fact that they bothered to have the actors use a near-authentic hick Quebec French when talking to Sal's Mom.

7 Matty Rains as a standalone movie

9 Matty Rains when taking into account the limitations of the 2-hour Hollywood movie format.

Great job, Mr. Salles. :clap: It's a shame that your film is unlikely to gain much fame.

Watching now. Kristen Stewart looks good!

Is it too late to warn you about Steve Buscemi's gay sex scene?


RTFP, Part Deux
Not sure what to make of the reviews I've seen for Cloud Atlas. Critics want to praise it. And they do. But there's something fishy about the way they praise it. It's never like, "This is so great/absorbing/moving/whatever." It's always, "This is so ambitious. You have to admire the ambition of it. Plus the effects and photography are really great too - but oh my gawd, the ambition."

I'm not hearing a lot about mission accomplished. Just good looking ambition.

I dunno.

I'm wondering if it is another Tree of Life type of thing that I don't need to see at all.

Now The Sessions sounds very promising. Now that I am soon to be jobless, perhaps I will have more free time and get back to seeing a few movies at the theater. The Sessions would be at the top of my list right now.