Prometheus - Loved it. Pretty philosophical sci-fi and winner of the greatest self-Cesarean scene ever!
Barbarella - What a super movie! Why had I never seen this bizarre trippy eye candy before? Oh and 1968 Jane Fonda? Wowie zowie. She changes from one super sexy outfit to another without a moments notice and engages in odd space sex with several space studs. YAY!
Brooklyn Rules - A sad attempt to ripoff
A Bronx Tale and boy oh boy did it fail horribly. It begins and ends with the casting. First off the main character is played by Freddie Prinze Jr. If you're a fan of horrible acting efforts then this is a must see. Prinze Jr should have a bat taken to him by every gumba in the Burroughs for this performance. The fat one is played by a young Turtle from
Entourage. He does fat very well. The tough guy is Scott freakin Caan. All four feet of him. Yikes!
Oh and the main wise guy who runs the neighborhood with a reign of terror? Alec Baldwin. What's that? You thought I said Pauly Sorvino or maybe ANYONE ELSE IN POSSESSION OF A SAG CARD???? No. Mahfackin Alec Baldwin. I loved this movie. So much.
Northfork - Obviously placed in my queue because of The Nolte. It seemed like it might've been interesting on another night, I just wasn't in the mood. Oh and I think I'm over movies where the entire premise is the vivid imagination of an abused or distressed child. It's overdone now and nobody will do it better than
Pan's Labyrinth or
The Fall.
Machine Gun Preacher - They remade
Sarafina but instead of Whoopi Goldberg they cast Gerard Butler and instead of books they used automatic weapons. ZZZZZZZZZZ.
Chinatown - Isn't this supposed to be a classic? Did it win major awards or something? That's what I thought I remembered. Made it through about an hour and a half, realized that I just didn't care what happened one bit and skipped the final 40 minutes. Went to the park to feed the duckies and squirrels instead. Best choice I made all week.