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Long Island Medium this past Sunday night! This lady supposedly is legit? MrsM believes in spirits that are trying to communicate!


Also the Storage Wars show taking place in Cali! Into it right now! Barry Weiss lol!

MrM, why do you watch senior citizen tv, when we all know that you're a spring chicken still!

Blitty, my time clock is off! Haven't woken up earlier than 10 AM for years and now waking up 7 with no alarm! Haven't been watching any sports since this past Sunday and knot out by like 10-11 the latest every night! I'm just I guess a pawn who has fallen in line with rest down here! :facepalm:

Went to Home Depot and Walmart for mulch and apple fritter bread this morning and home by 7:45! Next thing you know I'll be taking a nap one afternoon!
Light switch scene in S1, E1 of The Walking Dead:

Rick Grimes: What's the difference between men and women?
Shane Walsh: Is this a joke?
Rick Grimes: No, serious.
Shane Walsh: Never met a woman who knew how to turn off a light. Born thinkin' the switch only goes one way, On. Come home, house all lit up, and my job, you see, apparently because my chromosomes happen to be different is that I gotta walk through that house and turn off every single light this chick left on.
Rick Grimes: Is that right?
Shane Walsh: Yeah, baby. Oh Reverend Shane is preachin' to ya now, boy. Then this same chick, mind ya, she'll bitch about, uh, Global Warming. This is where Reverend Shane wants to quote from the Guy Gospel and say, "Uh, darlin' maybe if you and every other pair of boobs on this planet could just figure out that the light switch, see, goes both ways, maybe we wouldn't have so much Global Warming?"
Rick Grimes: You say that?
Shane Walsh: The polite version. Still, that earns me this look of loathing you would not believe and that's when the Exorcist voice pops out "You sound just like my damn Father! Always yellin' about the power bill and tellin' me to turn off the damn lights!"
Rick Grimes: What do you say to that?
Shane Walsh: I know what I want to say. What I want to say "Bitch, you mean to tell me you've been hearing this your entire life and you are still too damn stupid to learn how to turn off a switch?"

Irvine Welsh's Ecstacy (2011) - Disappointing and a bit confusing. I read a short story collection by Irvine Welsh some years ago called Ecstacy, and I assumed this was going to be an adaptation - but unless my memory has totally gone for shite, I don't think this was related at all.

This film tried to be Trainspotting (for ecstacy). It shamelessly borrowed stylistic points from Trainspotting. I don't blame it for trying. But it was not Trainspotting.

Very weird. Many important roles were played by B and C list Canadian actors doing Scottish accents. I'm pretty sure a lot of it was filmed in Scotland so why they couldn't just round up some Scots I don't know. It's not like it was some major coup to get Colin Mochrie and he was just too epic to be replaced. Dunno. :dunno:

Anyway, I was expecting a gritty story about drug culture. Irvine Welsh is one of my favorite writers and that's what he does. For some reason what I got here was a contrived, slightly cheesy love story with some unconvincing gritty stuff shoehorned in. I will say this: I had seen pictures of Kristin Kreuk quite a few times but this was the first time I had seen her act in anything. Attractive girl. Not much of an actress - probably good enough to do TV until her looks fade and that's about it - and unfortunately she didn't get nekkid in this - but a strikingly pretty girl.

My rating: 4.8 out of 10.
The buzz continues for Lars Von Trier's upcoming film Nymphomaniac where apparently the sex scenes between mainstream actors will be unsimulated.

Talking, for real boinking.

My initial reaction is thumbs up to the concept - but then I look at who is attached to the project so far: Charlotte Gainsbourg as the title nympho, Shia Lebeouf, Stellen Skarsgaard, Jamie Bell, Christian Slater, Connie Neilsen, Willem Dafoe, Uma Thurman.

I don't know if everyone humps or just a select few. Shia Lebeouf has been running his mouth about it a fair but and is supposed to be engaging in full-on action. Whatever - I gotta be honest -there is no one in that cast I am burning to see doing it.

There really needs to be some kind of internet voting for this.