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I find the Lip's Asian girlfriend on Shameless hot as all fok. I know she is not a conventional Miss America type but man she works for me.

Gotta say though --> too many kids right now. We've got Sheila adopting native kids and a bunch of kids that live in a van and kids being born in bulk.

Less kids, is my preference on that.

Not sure about Frank. I felt pretty sure they were writing him out of the show for most of the season - I figured maybe William H. Macy had other things to do - but the liver transplant was a big game-changer. I lean towards him hanging around and abusing his new liver in uproarious ways for awhile.

Good point on the kids. Haha they did something profound again. No.

Agreed on Lip's girl. She is an enjoyable character. Kind of feel bad for the fat kid sometimes but he really doesn't care.

Digging the younger kid's relationship with the crazy girl, the younger sister is just annoying in every scene she is in.

Shameless is prolly the show I look most forward to these days.

Lot's of hot chicks. Lip's girl and Deb's sluttly lil blonde friend.
Agree that 60 Minutes was excellent this week. The stock market piece was fascinating (and infuriating to many, I'm sure), and the feature on the Paypal/Tesla car/rocket guy really captured the imagination too.

Following that up with Cosmos - some fine TV right there.
I got a thing for glasses.

Agree that 60 Minutes was excellent this week. The stock market piece was fascinating (and infuriating to many, I'm sure), and the feature on the Paypal/Tesla car/rocket guy really captured the imagination too.

Following that up with Cosmos - some fine TV right there.
I caught the stock market piece...it was good. I also caught part of some program..I think it was on PBS? about midwives? Looks to be a series but I have not heard of it..anyone know what I am talking about?
Just watched a fascinating piece on 60 Minutes about front running in the stock market.

If you have any money invested in the market it's must see TV.

Haven't watched 60 minutes in who knows how long but story ...... stories got me glued! So company spends ..... what was it ..... 300 mil to get what ..... millisecond edge? Wow! And then the young guy from Toronto totally fuks up them! Nice! Would you call it the biggest legal scam in existence like it seems the financial expert more or less called it?

And then the Telsa head appeared to be a genuinely nice guy who in a few days around one Christmas his whole life turned from finished to continuing his journey! Felt like 2 good guys won that night! :clap:
The stock market piece really was a mind-blower for me. Never having dabbled in the market I was out of the loop. To hear them talk about the way it has developed recently was reminiscent of my old days in the offshore wagering industry. People finding that every time they put in an attempt to buy something, they get it re-offered back to them at a slightly higher price.

I was like, "What the fuck is that? Sounds more like some scuzzy Costa Rican sportsbook pulling bait-and-switches than a legitimate, accepted institution like the stock market."

^^^ doesnt really matter that much when you run these movie channel shows ... they usually re-air an hour or two later and they replay every show 78975867986598780978658697809658697x a week...no biggie

GoT is going to have the biggest #s of any movie channel show during its season anyways.
We will have to work together to keep each other informed about what's coming on. I hadn't even heard of Silicon Valley but I'll probably want to take a look.

I don't think Fargo is even airing on Sundays. That will take some adjustment for me. A show that's not on Sunday WTF?

Speaking of Fargo, I heard a radio commercial for it today and my attitude immediately changed from grumpy skepticism to ---> totally on board and optimistic.

No sense trying to type what was in the commercial; it was all about those voices. Can't convey that here. I had a good prolonged LOL in my car.

I remember the actual residents of Fargo (and Brainerd et al) being kinda unhappy about how their speech was portrayed in the movie.

Initial guess: they will not be any happier about the TV series.