My casual survey question of the day: what do you consider the worst Best Picture winner of all time? Talking about the Oscars. What is your least favorite?
It's a bit of a tough one because of different eras. Some of the really early ones tend to come up in discussion among buffs. The Broadway Melody, Cavalcade, Cimarron. They were still figuring out the basics of making a movie so they just have glaring weaknesses.
Tough to compare to more modern movies where they at least know how to act and have huge technical advantages.
Still, Crash is one that comes up a lot. The Greatest Show on Earth. Ordinary People gets mentioned.
I just ask because I'm in the middle of one now that feels like a definite candidate. We'll see how it goes.
With this movie, I have seen all the Best Picture winners except Wings, The Greatest Show on Earth and Gentleman's Agreement. The English Patient, I started watching but packed it in before the end. I wasn't liking it (obviously) however I do intend to watch the whole thing sometime. I watched it before I set my mind on watching all the Best Picture winners. There have been others that I wouldn't have lasted till the end if not for that mission. So I will finish up the English Patient next time I see it in my listings.
Any opinions?