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Ray: What did you think I did?
Marnie: I don't know, read, eat soup, write letters of complaint to local businesses?

:lol: nice scene. Disappointed that Ray apparently breaking off with Marnie. Not making a lot of sense to me either.

Marnie seems to get shit on more than anybody and although she's a bit of a cunt, she's the most sensible out of the group.
Basically it’s been a very sexually adventurous time for me. I’m alternating nights of freedom with nights of academic focus. So at the end of my senior year I will have had both experiences while also still being super well prepared for the professional world. -Shoshanna
asian looking :clueless:


he needed to od krow here RR

I would like to note that one of my early season Shameless predictions got a lot closer to coming true this week. I said Lip would end up boinking his roommate's girl whom, at the time, was treating him like dogshit. She sure got a whole lot chummier alluva sudden.

Standing by my other prediction of Steve/Jimmy showing up. Nothing to indicate it within the show but I ain't backing off.