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Girls really is an innovative show. They have taken the long-standing institution of the pre-show disclaimer about scenes of nudity - which has always been a vessel of hope and glad tidings - and changed it into a thing of dread.

If I had let my imagination run wild, I guess I might have seen the theoretical possibility - but they just tore down the barriers and made it a reality. Ground-breaking.
Movies with stacked casts but that sucked complete ass:

Vanilla Sky sticks out. I hate that fucking piece of shit and the thought of it still makes me want to break things.

I was going to queue up The Counselor because of its cast but this looks to be one of those based on the reviews. Maybe Cameron Diaz is just a piece of shit and ruins everything.
thought vanilla sky was okay... wouldnt break my heart to never see cam diaz in another movie..ever

am i the only one who watched The Americans last season? sea2 premier was damn good last night :yes: ... as was Silk ... Silk so much better than any other lawyer/court drama going these days, imo
Once Upon a Time in the West



Claudia Cardinale


:betplom: :betplom: :betplom:






thought vanilla sky was okay... wouldnt break my heart to never see cam diaz in another movie..ever

am i the only one who watched The Americans last season? sea2 premier was damn good last night :yes: ... as was Silk ... Silk so much better than any other lawyer/court drama going these days, imo

americans worth the watch for the 2nd prettiest face on tv... Annet Mahendru


Yeah if you don't like episode 1, you might as well forget it. It sets the tone. The plot has gone through various twists and turns but that tone has been consistent and really dictates how much you're going to enjoy the series.

Personally I have found the series to be very good so far. Episode 1, I thought was off the charts.