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Movies and TV

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There are only a couple times I recall getting queasy at the movies. Once was an IMAX thing at the Cinesphere a long time ago called Catch The Sun. It might as well have been a film purposely designed to induce motion sickness. It was non-stop POV shots from moving planes and rollercoasters and every other damn thing.

The other thing was the Blair Witch Project with the constant hand-held camera work. I only watched about half of that. The other half, I looked at the back of the chair in front of me.
Blair Witch Project I had to watch in 5-minute increments, and in a tiny window on the computer screen. Insta-nausea.

At the movie theater, I just make sure to sit far enough that the screen doesn't cover my whole field of view.
There are only a couple times I recall getting queasy at the movies. Once was an IMAX thing at the Cinesphere a long time ago called Catch The Sun. It might as well have been a film purposely designed to induce motion sickness. It was non-stop POV shots from moving planes and rollercoasters and every other damn thing.

The other thing was the Blair Witch Project with the constant hand-held camera work. I only watched about half of that. The other half, I looked at the back of the chair in front of me.

I could have written this post.
i'm enjoying the new James Spader drama, The Blacklist.

I have a major crush on Mr. Spader circa 1995-2005 or so. When was the movie Secretary filmed? The movie is basically soft core BDSM shown in a kind of lame way (similar I'm sure to what the 50 Shades movies will be like). Any way, that's when I developed my crush for him.
We've been watching BlackList last couple weeks ourselves!

James now, earlier or retro?


