So let me just say this about this:
I finally set about watching The Sopranos for a second time. Hard to believe it has been almost 15 years since it premiered.
It is a show I always refer to as my #2 drama of all time - and yet I have only seen it once, and not recently, and I have never watched random reruns. So I figured, it's time.
Some observations and opinions:
1) I expected to take a very casual approach to this revisiting but no, I have been watching it with the same hunger as the first time through. I watched the entire first season in about 5 days - and it probably would have been faster except I have been really busy with other stuff too.
2) It is incredibly dense with inspired memorable moments. While I didn't remember every detail of the broader plot, there is scene-after-scene that had me nodding my head in recognition and anticipating detail as clearly as if I just saw it last week.
3) I get more laughs out of it than most comedies.
4) It is a work of genius.

I am not second-guessing my long-running assessment.