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Some movies rated (out of 10) more-or-less recently that I didn't discuss here:

Jaws (1975) - reasonably well done movie about how completely retarded people are. 6.8

A Man For All Seasons (1966) - deserving Best Picture winner about a guy who makes a brave, principled stand based on idiotic beliefs. 8

Adaptation (2002) - how much credit should "quirky" be worth? 6.4

Death Becomes Her (1992) - Thanks for coming out. 4.9

The Year of Living Dangerously (1982) - Dry but okay. 6

Hotel Transylvania (2012) - Very familiar (rehashed??) American animated feature but okay. 6

The Impostors (1998) - Swing and a miss. 4

The Campaign (2012) - Laughs alternating with lameness. 4.9

Hope Springs (2012) - I liked this one more than the masses. 7
So Betty on Mad Men appears to have lost the flab. I am waiting for them to explain this, perhaps showing her engaged in bulimic behavior ?? She has never had the appearance of being on speed.

There's got to be a reason for having that ridiculous fat prosthetic beyond just demonstrating that sometimes women of that era had fluctuations in their weight. Or so I am thinking.
I guess that Betty's fat period was supposed to represent her post-divorce depression. She was never really over Don - or rather what Don did to her self-esteem - until now. The show failed to explain why or how she got over it, but she's clearly moved on now. Enough time's passed I suppose.

Now, I'm saying that but I realize that Betty told Don that Megan "doesn't know that loving you is the worst way to get to you" which seems to imply that Betty is playing the long game. But maybe she's really content with Henry-the-bland-placeholder-husband, since she can't grab Don's attention for long, like she says.


Great episode I thought. I've been watching each episode twice this season. This stuff is dense as shit.

Peggy getting dumped after Hippie Abe got stabbed twice in the same episode was epic. :rofl:

Hippies crack me up.
What do we think of Bob Benson? Murderous psychopath or not? Guy came out of nowhere and he's creepy as shit.


And what's wrong with his pants?
Cosmopolis (2012) - Pretentious claptrap designed to send first year film students scurrying after deep hidden meanings.

In other words, what we've got here is the Emperor's new clothes.

Which is certainly not brand new territory for David Cronenberg, but he generally frames his pretense in something watchable. He generally has something going on. Not this time. Just a bunch of awkwardly contrived characters delivering stagey unnatural oh-so-dripping-with-deep-hidden-meanings dialogue.

Actually, the Emperor's New Clothes is probably not an apt comparison since in that fable, all the townspeople were convinced that they were missing something due to their own stupidity. With this movie, from the comments I have read, most people are not fooled and recognize that it is empty crap.

About the only entertainment value was imagining some tween girl going to see what Robert Pattinson is up to and landing in that.

2 out of 10.

What do we think of Bob Benson? Murderous psychopath or not? Guy came out of nowhere and he's creepy as shit.


And what's wrong with his pants?

I have been wondering this for awhile. I am betting he is just what he appears to be. Super-nice, pretty smart, somewhat ambitious but team-player kinda guy.

I base this only on the fact that they so often try to confound expectations - and everything about this guy so far has been stuff that makes you suspicious of him in traditional TV logic.

Maybe he will just end up being a sacrificial lamb of some sort. Nice guy who gets shafted in some way?

I'm still waiting for Peggy and Don to get it on. Seems like there's always a reason for them to get in a heated debate for sometimes no apparent reason. I get the feeling they are trying to build into that at some point. Also she doesn't fit the Don Draper archetype. And then there's the "let's split up the office no wait lets have them join offices" moment which made me laugh. For some reason that always struck me as an "oh schucks" moment when the writers figured out they fucked up the one real tense relationship the show always had going for it. Maybe I'm wrong. But let's be honest Pete wasn't going to carry the show unless he started doing lines off of Joan's massive rear end.
I would like for Pete to have a meltdown of Charlie Sheen magnitude. He seems ripe for it. Most likeable unlikeable character ever.

I think it's pure bro love between Peggy and Don. I don't see a couple there, just a deep intellectual respect.
Just saw the first episode of the new season of Arrested Development.

I generally enjoyed it but one thing really has to be said:

Alia Shawkat/cousin Maeby is not looking good.

This pic is inadequate at capturing the butchy vision I just saw with the Jaromir Jagr-ish mullett action combined with cluster-freckles, but it's the best I got at the mo.
