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Adding: sometimes after Grimm, she throws on a half-hour sitcom called Rules of Engagement ----> even less of a good show. Although Patrick Warburton is in it and he is pretty funny when the writing lets him be. But overall, no.

Fortunately, it is not must-see like Grimm so it is okay to start gabbing over it.
9 (2009)

For some reason I got it in my head that this was a Tim Burton flick. Now whether that is a good or bad thing is another discussion but whatever, he did not write or direct this. He is just one of a bunch of producers. Maybe they were liberally lobbing his name around when it was first released for publicity reasons so that's where I got the impression. Not sure.

It does have a look and tone that kinda seems like it could be a Tim Burton movie.

ANYWAY . . . it's okay. Kinda cockamamie but okay. Not real good but okay. They gave it a good effort.

6 out of 10.

Grimm is hit/miss for me. I make my hunk o' burning love watch it with me. He was tolerating it until we hooked up the second TV. I watch TV alone a lot now.

There has to be some things you watch in common? Cami likes Family Chanel which makes me want to gouge my eyes out and I can watch Sportcenter 80 times in a row. Louis and the Showtime shows bring us together.
Let's see what we'll watch together... DIY network? No. Shark Tank? I tolerate it. Undercover Boss? No. Any finance-type show? No. Discovery Channel? No. History Channel? No. Non-stop ESPN/Sports channel? No.

I think we both tolerate most of what the other person is watching. The only show we do watch together (without tantrums) is Game of Thrones.

I put on SOAPnetwork just to irritate him last night. I was working on a paper and wasn't paying attention and he was supposedly working on a presentation for work. Next thing I hear is, "Do people really watch this crap?" Ah, General Hospital - you did not fail me.
have known the friend girl for around 3 years and in that entire time (and im pretty sure its been ever since her divorce) she has never had cable/dtv or internet... her and her girl stay busy with other stuff until bedtime... i actually got a not so happy look when i got the little one a Wii a few years ago... she can pick up internet in her apt. now and she knows how to watch tv on the computer, but rarely does ... its no wonder the little one stays glued to the kids channels when they are over here :lol:
Been trying to watch the earlier SOA, usually if Steve is asleep and I am bored since he has seen them all, not to mention I know how everything ends anyhow.

There was a good while where I didn't have cable or internet was well, never really bothered me though. I was so busy with a toddler and working I didn't have time to worry about it! It's nice to have, but especially during the summer time, I'd much rather be outdoors, I've always been that way though.