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My impression is those reactions were staged. :dunno:

I would have voted for Argo out of those nominees, and nothing was particularly close for second. For the whole year, I liked The Sessions better. Can't remember if there was anything else. Probably not.

I thought Argo was very good but not ideally a Best Picture sort of commodity. But it was a weak year for movies for the second year in a row.
Actually I lied. Muddy stated the obvious and then I pulled an edit on the original post and tried to bury him for stating what was the obvious original point. Sometimes I just don't know who I am anymore and I am sorry. The pressure got to me and I snapped. This chit is serious business.

On a separate note, I don't like Steve/Jimmy on Shameless. Didn't like him from the start and he hasn't grown on me.

They kinda got rid of him at the end of last season and I thought, 'Good,' and I hoped that would be permanent and they would find other things for Fiona to do, but they just had to bring him back. Not good.

Don't know why exactly but that's the way it is.
since its monday, anyone else watch that new show "Monday Mornings" ? excellent cast...ving rhames, alfred molina... they have monday morning drs meeting and discuss 1 or 2 of the last weeks crucial operations... then go back and show you how it all went down...first few episodes were really rather good...held my attention the whole way...wasnt expecting much from another dr/hospital type show, but it was a-ok

People are fokked up. I was just reading some post-game analysis on The Oscars and this person was going to great length to "prove" that Anne Hathaway was being insincere in her excitement for her Oscar win.

Okay I'm as unhappy as anyone to be living in a world where Anne Hathaway is Oscar Winner Anne Hathaway. Watching her accept made me wince, and particularly her last line about how she hoped we would someday live in a world where the stuff that happened to her character Fantine didn't happen any more - it was bizarrely head-scratchable and ultimately came off as contrived trying-to-sound-deep-and-caring-and-please-love-me.

But to question if she was honestly happy and excited to win the Oscar or it was all a big act - I think you've got to be pretty twisted out of shape to start making that case.
******Argo Spoiler ALERT********

The intro was outstanding. I felt like I was inside the Embassy.

Things tapered off for a bit. I REALLY feel this film could have been better had Affleck not been cast as the lead. He was really dry. Like, not a good dry, but a "I know I'm a terrible fit for this character" dry.

The film tries to develop his sadness over missing his family but it feels rushed and I wasn't able to buy what they were selling.

The scenes in the Canadian safe house were great and there was a ton of very believable suspense at the end of the film (minus the cheesy police cars/ militia chasing the plane down the runway).

Good film but not what you'd expect from a Best Picture.

7.25 Daffffffffffayyyyyyyyy's