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Movies and TV

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Not riding you sir. Was actually curious if you could go and sort your ratings and see what you rated a 5.7. That would be an interesting way to break down your ratings.

See what kind of movies you lumped together.

Muddy I would never ride you.
Yeah I have no record of my fractional ratings other than here. The only records I have are my imdb ratings which are even numbers.

A few random movies which I have at 6 which I would guess were rounded up to get there:

Julie and Julia
My Beautiful Laundrette
Rabbit Hole
The Falcon and the Snowman
The Help
The last Emperor

Hopefully that clarifies everything. :handshake:
No. Hated it. Went and saw it at theater. It was a film that tried too hard to be 3D. I hate those films. Not like Avatar which was a geniune 3D film. This was a film that tried too hard to be 3D.

Besides, what could even come close to the original? What a great film. Jeezus.

That, my friends, is cinematography. Fuck a buncha Goodfellas. :megaman::megaman:

I have to say: The Newsroom, after a really rousing start, came back to earth. It's pretty good but not much more than that IMO.

The hook, which has been to skewer the state of modern news media - and the Republicans - is valid and occasionally very astute. That part is good. However it is becoming repetitive and they occasionally employs stunts that you know would never happen in the real world. Basically they are reviewing coverage of real past events and making the same points Jon Stewart made a year and a half ago. It's thoughtful but not mind-blowing.

Other than that it has settled into a show about pretty conventional relationship dynamics with dialogue that often (usually?) sounds more like actors reading scripts than actual people talking - which is not good. It calls itself a comedy. Sometimes it is funny but sometimes the humor is heavy-handed and sitcommy.

I believe last night was the season 1 finale. For awhile I thought this show might be a 9, but now I think it's more like a 7. 7 is good but it is going in the wrong direction.