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More thoughts on jobs and working

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No that wasn't a comeback...

My comeback was that you think you are more knowledgable on the bidding process then me based on th godmother of a half brother whomyou saw twice a month.

The things you speak about make up a extremely small percentage of the construction business and it does not trickle down to the workers anyhow..which is what this was all about anyway. My point was about the union workers. The things you are talking about are off topic. And you don't know enough to talk about them anyway. Stories told to you from a non relative with a husband in jail don't translate across the business With any great impact.

So if you wish to sit there and type shit you wouldn't say to me from 300' away, be my guest.
Well, hasn't this thread become interesting...

Was in a union once. It allowed me to tell the boss to fuck off and he didn't fire me. I liked that. I do think the person holding a sign in road construction areas that says "slow down" should be replaced by a base-weighted pole.
My previous job presented an interesting case.

Manufacturing facility. It was not an actual union, but it was as close as you could be. There was a significant constituency of guys who had worked there for decades - and they were loaded up with perks and benefits - and their attitudes were to do as little rather than as much as possible.

Fair to say, many of them were incompetent, stupid people who couldn't do a great job if they wanted to, but of course people are defensive creatures by nature. They won't say, 'I do a crappy job because I suck.' They rationalize and justify. And they team up with other incompetents and create a mythology about teaching the company a lesson yada yada

So that was the company culture.

The reason I stopped working there? The manufacturing facility was shut down. All the perks for the whiny entitled employees - combined with incompetent performance leading to a shoddy uncompetitive product - made it untenable.

So they shut it down. All those welders and assemblers lost their jobs.

The company has carried on. It switched to subcontracting out what the manufacturing operation was doing. I guarantee it is more profitable and has a better product.

It was neat to witness. Karma. I'm fine - I'm in a better situation today.

Not that a single lazy incompetent boob probably learned a single thing but still, it makes me smile to look back on it.

So the big note on my whiteboard says


. . . referring to a projected 6 weeks of construction that was going to be causing lane reductions in my regular commute. I made that note way back when and switched my course.

Well it's past Feb. 28th. I wonder if we're really actually good to go.