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Little Known Facts About Monkey Focker

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I am assuming you were a juror on the Casey Anthony trial because you have no idea what the hell is going on. Nina attacked me first,. Read the thread, SEcondly, you go off on people and kiss their ass months later (Cali & Blitty come to mind). Your past history shows that your venom comes from a kooky place that never holds any steam. Enjoy your day good sir.
Casper actually got a good rating from me for his bit on shari/oksana

the monkeyfocker stuff is just.... not even personal its just like "your mama jokes" but really bad

at least he hasn't been in here every hr on the hr defending himself vs the lame jabs at him

I give him props for this thread
Casper actually got a good rating from me for his bit on shari/oksana

the monkeyfocker stuff is just.... not even personal its just like "your mama jokes" but really bad

at least he hasn't been in here every hr on the hr defending himself vs the lame jabs at him

I give him props for this thread

Yeah, I failed miserably on this thread. Monkey Focker just doesn't get my creative juices flowing like I thought he would. Honestly, if Oksana an Nina hadn't put their 2 cents in, I doubt I would have continued this thread. Pretty sure I am done with it.
shake it off Casper

go with self-deprecation type top 10 lists and such

to use the most over used expression i've seen on the forum the past year

the haters are "trying to hard"

for every post you make they make 15 lame retorts

go ahead count them up....

see how many times someone made this lame version of this here hilarious joke.... in this thread alone

"I can't wait to hear the next fact" "Casper, don't leave us waiting" " I can't go to sleep till casper posts another fact" " I keep hitting f5 on my keyboard refreshing"

blah blah blah

pawns of lame jokes

Casper: step your game up son

Haters: do you really feel like your making sense of the time you spending on this site right now..... wisely?
Yeah, I failed miserably on this thread. Monkey Focker just doesn't get my creative juices flowing like I thought he would. Honestly, if Oksana an Nina hadn't put their 2 cents in, I doubt I would have continued this thread. Pretty sure I am done with it.

You cut that talk out right now!

You need to finish this thread. We are all waiting on Fact #8. I have a feeling it's going to be a doozie.
shake it off Casper

go with self-deprecation type top 10 lists and such

to use the most over used expression I've seen on the forum the past year

the haters are "trying to hard"

Casper: step your game up son

Yes sir. My game is not tight lately. Just been busy. I'll stick with the Top 10 lists. Thanks for the advice.
As far as my haters go. I am beginning to embrace my inner Lebron. Beginning to like being the Gamelive villian.