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Little Known Facts About Monkey Focker

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The black guy thing came about when we used to go round and round with Buzzy in his threads. At least I think it was then. I remember Jello PM'ing me and informing me he wasn't in fact black but hated racist crap. That's when he became my e-brother.
kato, I could have sworn you were clocked in earlier but I didn't notice you on duty. I'm not going to say anything THIS time, but come on pal. We need you here for your shifts.

There are some items today that I have requested be put ON THE RECORD. If you wouldn't mind sorting that out for me...

Lot of hurtfulness today. And CRUSHING.
We dodged a bullet here. Thanks to everyone - their prayers and candlelight vigils, it appears that I will no longer have to endure the revelation of my former misdeeds.

Thank you, Jesus. And thank you to all who helped make this possible. You are truly life savers.
jaysus...just when we thought archie had worn himself out and raspers pitiful performance is ignored, jello decides to go full bore riding his ass (no homo) ... these guys are fucking determined to get you on the suicide hotline pal...:imsorry:

I am assuming you were a juror on the Casey Anthony trial because you have no idea what the hell is going on. Nina attacked me first,. Read the thread, SEcondly, you go off on people and kiss their ass months later (Cali & Blitty come to mind). Your past history shows that your venom comes from a kooky place that never holds any steam. Enjoy your day good sir.
Au contraire, mon frere. Technically I didn't get on your case until after you said this.


Remember that? Then I did say something negative to you....uh...I mean "your roommate" to the effect that the lady clearly was NOT interested in you and you needed to get off Blitty's nutsack because you were making yourself look like a ginormous asshole. Then you proceeded to jump up my butt via Facebook chat, telling me that I didn't know what I was talking about, how Cali was interested until Blitty inserted himself (See what I did there?) into the situation and STOLE her from you. I pointed out to you that the lady herself typed in plain English on this very board that she wasn't interested and you said she was lying. Then you started ranting about how Teela knew the truth about Blitty, how he was and the situation as a whole and that she agreed with you 100%. Which I found to be strange since it hadn't been that long since you had come whining to me about how Teela hadn't spoken to you in over a year, was she mad at you? Being a rational person who found your tantrum to be childish and annoying, I deleted you in midrant from my Facebook friends and spent the rest of the evening in a more pleasant way. You use to be funny and seemed kind of awkward and shy. I felt a little protective of you back in your early SBR days. But now you are someone I don't want to know, converse with or even think about the fact you breathe the same air I do.
shake it off Casper

go with self-deprecation type top 10 lists and such

to use the most over used expression i've seen on the forum the past year

the haters are "trying to hard"

for every post you make they make 15 lame retorts

go ahead count them up....

see how many times someone made this lame version of this here hilarious joke.... in this thread alone

"I can't wait to hear the next fact" "Casper, don't leave us waiting" " I can't go to sleep till casper posts another fact" " I keep hitting f5 on my keyboard refreshing"

blah blah blah

pawns of lame jokes

Casper: step your game up son

Haters: do you really feel like your making sense of the time you spending on this site right now..... wisely?

Archie, do you feel smugly superior or just like an ass? And do I get a vote?