Let's talk about wildlife

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magpie attack helmet cam

I fucking hate birds.
:lmao: Bird wanted go along for the ride!
Did I tell you guys about the time I was peeing on a fence a couple years ago and a bird landed on my head?

That was a hell of a thing.
This was funny...until kitty slammed into the wall.
bow fishing for sting rays!!!

not hungry

Good example for so many 1st world fatties.

If you're not hungry, don't eat.
LOL! Missed the baboon vid! Nice! We don't mess around!

I'm thinking that fish is going to have a serious tummyache. He can't be used to digesting feathers and beaks.
Toronto's Pearson Intnl airport has trapped 27 Snowy Owls in the last 3 weeks.

That's a lot of snowy owls. They are making their way far south of the Canadian border. Quite a few sighting in NS.
That's a lot of snowy owls. They are making their way far south of the Canadian border. Quite a few sighting in NS.

I saw one a few years ago near Alliston Ontario. I had to stop my car and get out to take a look, fukkin bird was HUGH! and plommer was mightily impressed.

Snowies are my favourite bird of prey.

Chickens are still my favourite bird of plate.
I've never seen one in the wild. There are quite a few sightings in NS the last several years. Apparently a lot more this year.