Let's talk about wildlife

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I was always trying to save animals as a kid, they all died anyhow despite my efforts. meh. whatever.
As a boy we "hunted" all the time...I also brought home stray animals....

.....the good ol days.
I have read articles on whether or not Ground Hogs are edible/tasty. If you had a good recipe you could be onto something. They are vegetarian and seem to re-produce like nothing

I tried to get a picture, but it ducked, that Cardinal was at my window again, literally knocking on it with his beak. That is one persistent little birdie.
My little birdie friend! Steve got to experience it sitting at the window knocking on it. And the momma bird has started building a nest right outside my window, I love it! (yes I know, I'm obsessed.)



Woody Woodpecker?

EDIT nvm cardinal
three words

seal belly rub


This seahorse was spotted off the coast of Nova Scotia which apparently is news for some reason.

Check it out 'n shit.
I opened my window today to try to get a better picture of the mama bird in her nest, freaked her clear out. I didn't mean to scare her. She would not stop chirping and carrying on until the male bird came over the check things out, I left it open for a little while thinking she would calm down, but no, she did not. I ended up closing the window and now she is happily back in her nest. Women.
Weird critter, the seahorse. Like I guess the one above is outside its normal territory so that's why it made the news but bigger picture with the seahorse in general ---> it's like, dude, what are you?

Very pornographic if you ask me.
The seahorse is the right name for it - I won't dispute that.
Read this about vampires that I didn't know.

Consider the vampire bat. At night, it ventures from its cave, along with thousands of other bats, and goes on the hunt. The vampire bat like some sort of comic-book villain has evolved a special brain region that enables the detection of hot spots on animals (usually goats, its favorite food). Its a sort of infrared vision.

The bat must feed every two nights, but doesnt always manage to find a goat. Instead, it often has to rely on the charity of other bats, who share blood after a successful hunt. The bat then pays this forward sharing blood with those bats when theyre hungry.

As it turns out, bats are pretty decent game theorists. The hunting-sharing cycle is sorta like an iterated prisoners dilemma. If everyone shares, were all well off, and if everyone is selfish, a lot of good bats will starve, but if everyone else shares except me, great, since I get gallons of blood. To enforce cooperation, the bats implement a tit-for-tat strategy if you share with me, Ill share with you next time. This, plus a friendliness clause sharing with unknown bats is tit for tat.

Such a strategy breaks down when the share-or-not-share decision is not iterated. In a single shot game, prisoners defect all the bats will be selfish. For blood sharing among bats to occur, they must frequently interact with bats they know.