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In action girl events of the last 30 hours

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My address is 245. Equals 9.

Am I going to die?

Maybe. But the reason I mentioned the house number being 11 is I live in an 11 house and shit is constantly breaking, especially electrical equipment.

In 1.5 years:

Washing machine, mower twice, over head kitchen light, 2 tv's, basement sewage pump twice, garage door, I mean it's ridiculous.

11th of the month
New York City 11 letters
New York 11th state in the union
9+11 = 20 (20 is 11 energy in Numerology)
Towers look like an 11 side by side
First plane to hit was Flight 11 and was an
American Airlines flight
A = (1) in Numerology
A (1) merican A (1) irlines again 11
It was a Boeing 767 (7+6+7) = 20 (11 energy)
Carried 92 crew and passengers (9+2)=11
Second plane carried 65 people (6+5)=11
7 World Trade center collapses (47 floors) =11
8:30 PM (8+3=11) GW Bush addresses the nation from the White House

American Airlines Flight 77
World Trade Center adds to 77 in Numerology
Things have settled down a bit. The breaker box and laundry room still stink pretty bad. I hope that goes away soon.

Mom, Pogo and I are still sick. I didn't even get into all the other crap from the other day...but I am so glad it is the weekend.
For some reasons weekends are still nice to me even in this situation.

If I can get a couple loads of laundry done and play some baseball, catch up on FB and get a song out of Reno, I will be happy.
So were the events just a power outage and some vomit..? Doesn't sound so bad.
It wasn't a power outage...We did have to shut off power per fire dept instruction, but it was the chaos of the whole 911 thing, and the P-dog diahrrea all over the house that were the tops. There were about 8-10 other FML things like losing my ipad (found later at vets and had to go back and get it) and having one of my doctor appointments cancelled on me that added into the whole crappy 30 hours also.

Mom didn't throw up on the carpet til yesterday. I should have probably led with the smaller issues...but no...there was a lot of b.s. ..pretty much constant.

you're playing baseball with your bad shoulder?
CLEV-ah. No. And I just missed the early games due to relaying the events of the week to my brother. This damn shoulder is killing me. I think they said it will hurt for a few days before it gets better (due to the steroid shot.) I hope that is all that is going on.
How do you go about catching up in FB?

Scrolling down to see what cami had for dinner last night or..?

Yeah pretty much reading what everyone in my life has been up to in the last week that I have missed. I don't think there is really anyway to misinterpret that comment. I am not sure what else it would mean.
any sign of the Indian guy?
Nope. Not since they scratched up my floor moving the treadmill.

On a positive note, I just got flowers from an old college buddy I have not seen in over 20 years. Completely out of the blue. Shocked me. Must have seen about my crappy week on FB. Random acts of kindness rock.