My house in Denver adds to 14, here it is 12. Coincidentally, inheritance money is staggered beginning at age 48 (next birthday)so that fits perfectly, but only if mom is passes, sooooo if there is any windfall, it comes at a price. And given some recent events the trustee may not release to me then anyway. I don't see any opportunity for travel unless mom passes at which time I will definitely take a long trip somewhere warm to reflect on my career path going forward. That is interesting about the 48 thing though. I was in Vegas on the last Chinese New Year on the start of Year of the Sheep (Goat) I was drunk and telling everyone "I'm a sheeeeeeep!" Good times.
Seems like your personal year should be something GOOD. What a misleading name. I would imagine family health would include your own. Right now have a full house sick.
Thanks. Interesting stuff. Hope this is one you are wrong on though. And I mean "doesn't happen every day...cuz that would be impossible."