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i need a hug

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yea, lots of nasty stuff could be brought up on both of us, however hers outweigh mine 10Xs...
trying to be civil about this for the sake of the kids
in her mind she thinks I'm being the nasty one cause of getting a court order for rights to the house and kids.
all the other possesions will be split up later, hopefully we can agree on that stuff.... hell, I probally give her just about everything if she gets her own place except for my TV/audio system.
I'll just buy some new shit
Best of luck to you mikey. It's not going to be easy and it sounds like you are approaching it the only way that makes sense, "whatever is best for the kids." Sometimes a dose of reality is the only thing that can get the other person to realize how screwed up they have become. Hopefully she will eventually figure out what she is doing to your children and get on some meds before it is too late. Stay strong man and try not to nail yourself to any floor boards or crown moldings, because I'm sure your mind isn't always going to be 100% at the tasks at hand.
she;s been on meds now for a while, but she still goes through cycles of craziness.
just to much BS for me to deal with anymore.
almost feel like a load of bricks is being lifted off my shoulders.

she;s supposed to be served today but says they will have to drag her out. its gonna be ugly but she's gone again for now. she's trying to avoid it.
I've just asked them to serve her while the kids are at school, and I'll figure what to tell them when I cross that bridge
she got served this morning while I was on my way to Alabama.
got a nasty voicemail and text informing me that I was a dirty fucker. I have custody of kids and possesion of everything except her car until the hearing
1st hearing on the 22nd.
Did you ever look into getting a nanny to help with the child care while you sort all of this shit out?

Any chance of getting uncontested divorce? Does she have the money for an attorney?

my parents are helping out with the kids while I'm working in bama. once I get done there it wont be so hard on me to get them to and from wherever they need to go.
I offered her an uncontested before I hired a lawyer. offered to give her some money to get on her feet and get a APT and split whats in the house.
.I was gonna do all the paperwork myself and save us both a few grand if she agreed.
she basically said ,"FUK U, your gonna be paying me alimony and child support."
so I lawyered up and lawyer says she has a slim to none chance of getting either.

she's burnt all her bridges. her granny is her only help at this point. her granny at first said she wouldnt pay for a lawyer for her but I think she will cause she doesnt want me having full custody. she;s also still got a lawyer on retainer for a pending felony drug charge which I'm sure she's been talking with judging by the text she's been sending me.
so I think she's going for joint custody and gonna try and rake me over the coals. If she trys all the dirt will come out. I kept all the dirt out of the orginal paperwoek sent to the judge.

I've been covering my ass for about the past yr with finances and property in my name.

a wise man once told me, " you dont get a divorce, you plan a divorce."
poss of meth,
but of course she says the cop planted it in her car or someone else left it in there and she didnt know about it.
its going to trial. her lawyer is trying to get her off cause the cop didnt have his camera on when he pulled her over. she was pulled over for no blinker...

her meth head friend had a boyfriend that sold meth. she was talking with the friend and heard the drug unit bust in and start raiding the house, so being such a bright girl she is, she went riding by the meth dealers house and they pulled her over as she passed the house being raided and found meth/weed in her car.

I left all that off the paperwork for the divorce, but if she wants to go there then we will.
1st hearing was today.
so much for keeping it civil. LOL
judge sided with me. I keep custody and possesion of everything and her to pay me child support. He deemed her to unstable.

looks like she's going after 1/2 of everything I've busted my ass for the last 12 yrs.
dont know, my lawyer doesnt think so.

I bought the house before we were married, then sold it to my dad last yr... or he paid off the mortage and I now have an interest free loan through him. he owns the deed to the house.
I've got a CD from when before we were married...
a MM acct that I cleaned out not long ago ( which might bite me in the ass down te road).
all my accts are soley mine, nothing has been joint ever.

GA is not a 50/50 state either regarding divorces ( forget the proper legal term)

we shall see, tomorrow I have to fill out all kinds of finiacial / tax shit that her lawyer requested.