Did you ever look into getting a nanny to help with the child care while you sort all of this shit out?
Any chance of getting uncontested divorce? Does she have the money for an attorney?
my parents are helping out with the kids while I'm working in bama. once I get done there it wont be so hard on me to get them to and from wherever they need to go.
I offered her an uncontested before I hired a lawyer. offered to give her some money to get on her feet and get a APT and split whats in the house.
.I was gonna do all the paperwork myself and save us both a few grand if she agreed.
she basically said ,"FUK U, your gonna be paying me alimony and child support."
so I lawyered up and lawyer says she has a slim to none chance of getting either.
she's burnt all her bridges. her granny is her only help at this point. her granny at first said she wouldnt pay for a lawyer for her but I think she will cause she doesnt want me having full custody. she;s also still got a lawyer on retainer for a pending felony drug charge which I'm sure she's been talking with judging by the text she's been sending me.
so I think she's going for joint custody and gonna try and rake me over the coals. If she trys all the dirt will come out. I kept all the dirt out of the orginal paperwoek sent to the judge.
I've been covering my ass for about the past yr with finances and property in my name.
a wise man once told me, " you dont get a divorce, you plan a divorce."