Hooligans Sportsbook

How bout them Jays!

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And another thing. Something about the Jays TV coverage is pissing me off and I'll tell you what it is.

When they show Troy Tulowitzki's primary stats as he comes up to bat, they show his stats for the whole year. Combined Col/Tor.

But when they show Ben Revere's (who has actually been here a slightly shorter time) they just show his stats with the Jays.

That, to me, is normal. Just show the AL stats.

The only reason I can think of is, it makes Tulo look better. His offense with the Jays has been sub-par so they flash these better looking numbers.

Revere's Jays number are good enough so they opt to just be normal and show that.

I feel like I am being propagandized. Like they think I won't be able to cope with Tulo's honest AL stats so they are applying spin to keep me soothed.

My ultimate point being: fuck off with that.

I ain't lyin'. I was still seeing that ~.280 composite batting average for Tulo as of yesterday. Now I don't necessarily watch all of every game so I can't make blanket statements about consistency.

But they doin' it.

Rogers owns the team and also the network so they have the power.

What I wonder is why. It just seems so dopey and pointless and vaguely insulting.

Cheesy. Ghey.

I expect to watch most of today's game so I'll pay closer attention and see exactly where we stand with this shit RIGHT NOW.
Try to get a couple screen shots. We need evidence before we go on the offensive here...

As long as it is understood that when we say we, it means not me.

They did it in the first inning with the goofy propagandized stats for Tulo versus Revere.

My pic of Revere is barely decipherable. I'll try again in coming AB's.

Can probably do better with Tulo too but here's what I got in the 1st which is COL/TOR combined like I was saying.

I guess I am a rebel without a cause as far as my Tulo propaganda conspiracy theory. They went back and forth between composite stats and AL stats through the game.

Same with Revere.

I will keep an eye on these maniacs but for now, I withdraw my

Interesting to see the bench warnings issued in this game. Without getting into the validity of that particular call, I keep wondering if some pitchers will start head-hunting with these Jays.

They clobber the hell out of pitchers like no one else. They aren't unusually obnoxious I don't think. Like, they have their dopey little dugout routines, and Edwin has his home run trot - but they aren't showing anyone up egregiously.

But just the fact of pounding the fuck out of pitching like they do.

I feel like some pitchers are bound to get frustrated and start with the brushbacks, if not indeed the chin music.