Everything else got Escellated, so why wouldn't today follow suit?
Woke up at 530 am with the full intention of driving home and being ready to start work at 8 am. Pounded coffee (from the French Press - if you don't know it and are drinking Foldgers or wtf ever, get a French Press. It is simple, and genius. I hope I just changed someone's coffee life. Some Kiwi, some mixed fruit. Packed everything, ready to go.
Come outside and my right front tire is completely flat. Baby tire (donut) in the trunk that has been used a lot. I have AAA but since I got caught in multiple blizzards this past year and used them six times they now have me on "cash service" which basically means u pay on the spot for any services you need. So fuck it. Just got off the phone w Comcast. They will install here on Wed. Int he meantime I am on someones connection, only accessible from my car (lol). I will work from my car for 2 days and then Come Wed. Internet will be fully installed and yes I upgraded my speed to "blast". Now that will be fun.
The weekend - movies - Funny Games, Juno, Secretary (tee hee)", some others, my mind isn't clear right now. Kicked a Newcastle minikeg. Fracis Lambois ir w.e it's called. Sweet Caroline Vodka. Half a bottle of Mescal. Case of beer. Shrimp Ring. Bacon. Eggs. Went to the Gamble Mill for Lunch. We planned on eating pork sandwiches and doing Car Bombs in the basement. Fate wouldn't allow that. We ended up upstairs surrounded by Rich people. Fish Tacos for me, chicken salad for her. Best lunch I have had....ever?
Fired up the Wii. Bowled a 267,m I did not know I could do it like that. Boxing. First fight we both fall over at the EXACT same time. 2nd she kicks my ass. I thought block and proper counter would work, like in real life. Her flailing owned it. Baseball is fun but too easy and has some brutal flaws. Car Bomb's "Mii age" is 22. Dayamn. Hers is 48. Yet she kicks my as sin every game except for bowling. Made a DJ Mii for Dejeebus because I was trying to bowl a 300 by using 4 characters at once. He shows up with a Golden bowling bowl.
The sex, well - we are officially "trying" - and we are both loving it. Our babies will be Gamelivers from the second they leave the womb.
Robyn that picture is nothing short of Epic, so funny. Keep it coming sister. These are crazy times. Crazy enjoyable though if you look at it right.
Time for work I guess my task list is 2 pages long today. I had more to say. But it's time for work.
Keep it comin Gamelive.
Heart you.