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Gamelive poker talk

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it's fun to think about these scenarios when not at the table. It will likely help in the long run.
If you are making money at your game you're probably doing many things right. So probably not wise to change your strategy too much, just keep some ideas in mind.

It's strange, I was doing say a 2-830 shift m-f and early morning until 830 on weekends and I made a bunch of money in November. In December I switched to playing nights thinking I had a bigger skill edge against night time players. It's a small population including one HORRID 3 day skid, but the numbers haven't been close. I guess the night time players chase a lot of draws the daytime nits don't, and I haven't been pricing them out hard enough, thus getting caught a lot.

Nature of the beast I guess, have to price harder.
In the hand the guy was talking about, it's kinda true that he priced out a 10 of diamonds, but really where is that guy going in a multiway pot with 3 diamonds and an overcard on the board? Only if nobody bets ever, even after diamond comes, would he feel good about his hand. But if a guy had the Ace of diamond you can't price him out. Anyway you probably make some kind of bet and 200 is pretty standard at that stage. Other option is to check raise the last guy all in. If he doesn't bet, then on the turn you can price any draws out. (also that would give you more info if anybody's slow plaing 2 diamonds)
But what he really did, was priced out the guy with the Aces, fortunately for him, some people refuse to fold aces :laugh:
I don't agree on it being favorable to chase draws and I don't view the guys chasing me as better players at all, I view them as donks that can't lay hands down. Over time if I price them for their draws hard I beat them. The daytime nits rarely chase when priced out so this wasn't a big concern when I was mostly playing them. Now it's more recreational players looking to catch their big hand before they have to go home, thus they lay hands down less and thus the need to price harder.

Yeah, I would have played that hand probably exactly like Mark, MAYBE a check/blast depending on position but probably just the blast like him. I had one the other morning where I used the suggested check/raise effectively. If I recall correctly:

I'm seat 8, seat 7 was VERY aggro and a calling station as well. I had been working him for hours. Pocket 6s, call $13, flop 236 rainbow. There were like six people in the hand and it was checked to me with I think three after me, I felt like at least one of them might semibluff or try to take it down with a lesser hand so I checked. I was right, someone bet $40 and three people called then to me. I tanked it for twenty seconds to try to induce action and then blasted $200. Three callers, two with smaller stacks all in. The turn was a 4. It was just me and the hyper/aggro seat 7 guy, he checked (which I was very thankful for) and so did I. The river was a 2 giving me the boat and seat 7 checked to me. I tanked for thirty seconds again and valued him for $100 which after a bit he called.

Seat 4 revealed he had the straight on the turn, and I feel seat 7 may have as well.

So all being said and done my ass got saved by the river but I do feel I played it perfectly with exception of maybe betting the river to $175 or so against 7.

But it's like ok so my game is waiting for monsters, check/raising and using similar traps to induce action into my monsters.

The issue is when you get four and six callers and you trick everyone into thinking you may be trying to buy the pot, if there's enough of them, they're going to catch their draws a large percentage of the time.

So price the fuck out of them.
I won $243 at my local casino tonight playing VERY high stakes: $1/$2 NL Hold Em.

I was more than happy to book +$243.

3.5 hour session. I had AA once, AQ once and beyond that I never had a pocket pair above 66. I flopped zero sets.

In other words I grinded like a mofo. I don’t believe I made a bad call all night. I likely folded 90% of my hands pre-flop. I was that card dead.

Poker is like golf, it’s not how good you hit the good ones, it’s how bad you hit the bad ones.
Yeah the rake is more of a factor.

Had a four fig prof SMASH session last night so flying high. Having a big stacked donk shove $750 into your boat is always a nice way to celebrate the Holidays. Right place, right time. Very thankful.

Back at it.

Tron and Maxi -

CRUSHING USA's low stakes poker tables.
I really feel like its not annoying at all when an opponent shoves five hundo into my quad sixes, which coincidentally take down the four hundo bonus high hand for that hour, which happened to end at that exact minute. So basically being handed nine hundo in thirty seconds.

I'm TOADALLY ok with that.

God bless America, merry Christmas and happy festivus to all.

So alright I'm ok at this. About 4x bb including bonuses, about 3 without. That's ok. I see people do much better. I grind out my profit by playing the lowest variance version of abc poker I can think of for obnoxious hours. A nit. I don't want to be a nit. Not much else going on in my life right now so I can do that, and that's very cool which I appreciate. No foreseeable need for a real job, doing something I love for a living which is awesome. Very cool and I'm very thankful.

Eventually I will need balance in my life. I'll probably start dating soon. If I run into something serious, that would require me to play significantly less poker. For this and other reasons we want to play better poker to increase our hourly.

We've discussed what I feel my strengths are. Let's talk about what I feel is a major weakness. I feel I suck at playing AK and AQ, and not being too competently play all of the premium starting hands is hurting my hourly. I was just folding them which is too passive.

Here's a hand that happened a bit ago that is a typical line for me with AQ:

Early position, AQ off. I raise to $15, one caller. Flop 56J, I figure I'm isolated so a continuation bet of $20 to try to take it down. He calls. Check the turn and river which are both bricks and he beats me for $35 with pocket 3's.

A $35 loss on something besides a missed pocket pair or aces/kings gone bad annoys me because you can easily miss the board ten times in a session with AQ or AK and sabatoge a session.

So, I'd like input on how others play AK and AQ. I know Tron said get in cheap, does that mean no raise no

Any insight would be appreciated.

Sounds about right, depending on opponents, etc.

How about AK, raise from any position? Call any reasonable raise that's not a 3 bet? I can think of half a dozen hands yesterday where I won or lost $50 or more with AK or AQ.

In fact I just walked in and up $100 on AK and AQ. With the Ak flopped top top w the nut flush draw so that was easy, but what do you think of this line with AQ -
I'm im seat 1, seat 2 straddles to $8. A guy with about $80 calls the straddle, everyone else folds. I figure my AQ is better than what either of them have so I raise to $45 to try to take it down. The guy that called the straddle calls, the flop is three bricks. He checks, I shove, he folds.

I won but I kind of hate that line. I feel like more often than not he has a pp and it's an $80 loss.
Sounds about right, depending on opponents, etc.

How about AK, raise from any position? Call any reasonable raise that's not a 3 bet? I can think of half a dozen hands yesterday where I won or lost $50 or more with AK or AQ.

In fact I just walked in and up $100 on AK and AQ. With the Ak flopped top top w the nut flush draw so that was easy, but what do you think of this line with AQ -
I'm im seat 1, seat 2 straddles to $8. A guy with about $80 calls the straddle, everyone else folds. I figure my AQ is better than what either of them have so I raise to $45 to try to take it down. The guy that called the straddle calls, the flop is three bricks. He checks, I shove, he folds.

I won but I kind of hate that line. I feel like more often than not he has a pp and it's an $80 loss.

Is this a $1/$2 NL?

If yes, I usually see $4 straddles or $5 button straddles.

Assuming it’s a $1/$2 NL......

There’s $19 in the pot before your action.

Without doing any Mr.X next level math, I think your raise is too small if your objective is “take down the pot right there”.

I’m making it anywhere between $60–$75 depending on the texture of my opponents. But no less than $60. Again, if your objective is taking it down without going to the flop.
