So alright I'm ok at this. About 4x bb including bonuses, about 3 without. That's ok. I see people do much better. I grind out my profit by playing the lowest variance version of abc poker I can think of for obnoxious hours. A nit. I don't want to be a nit. Not much else going on in my life right now so I can do that, and that's very cool which I appreciate. No foreseeable need for a real job, doing something I love for a living which is awesome. Very cool and I'm very thankful.
Eventually I will need balance in my life. I'll probably start dating soon. If I run into something serious, that would require me to play significantly less poker. For this and other reasons we want to play better poker to increase our hourly.
We've discussed what I feel my strengths are. Let's talk about what I feel is a major weakness. I feel I suck at playing AK and AQ, and not being too competently play all of the premium starting hands is hurting my hourly. I was just folding them which is too passive.
Here's a hand that happened a bit ago that is a typical line for me with AQ:
Early position, AQ off. I raise to $15, one caller. Flop 56J, I figure I'm isolated so a continuation bet of $20 to try to take it down. He calls. Check the turn and river which are both bricks and he beats me for $35 with pocket 3's.
A $35 loss on something besides a missed pocket pair or aces/kings gone bad annoys me because you can easily miss the board ten times in a session with AQ or AK and sabatoge a session.
So, I'd like input on how others play AK and AQ. I know Tron said get in cheap, does that mean no raise no
Any insight would be appreciated.