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Gamelive poker talk

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1/3, they straddle up to $15 here utg or on the button.

Agreed on a larger raise to take it down, ty. I was doing that awhile back, raised $75 and had a very high level shark shove $400 all in and explain to me that with the amount of money I put in he had no choice.

I view that as an extreme rarity and him on AK or better and fucking with me a little bit though.

Good shit man.
I assume you're the big blind then? It seems crazy for a guy to call half his stack then fold. He should be folding or going all in. Your bet on the flop is probably right. If he gonna fold that's when. Personally I don't care to raise with ak very often. I will call a raise. But again I prefer to play out my better starting hands. If a guy is calling 8 straddle with 80 behind, I'm figuring he either folds or has me beat if I raise aq. But who knows what kind of wankers you got over there
Sounds about right, depending on opponents, etc.

How about AK, raise from any position? Call any reasonable raise that's not a 3 bet? I can think of half a dozen hands yesterday where I won or lost $50 or more with AK or AQ.


yes, call reasonable raise. But the 45 is too much to just call. Short stack go all in, large stacks fold. With large stack you will be folding to a bet on the flop unless you hit your hand. AK is almost 50/50 to most pairs, but that's assuming you see all 5 cards.
If a guy raises say to 20 in late position I call. I would consider a check-raise on the flop if miss hand. People tend to raise and make continuation bets in late position with whatever. If he doesn't fold I'm done, but there's a good chance he won't bet again and I can see the other 2 cards. Seems like a better option then just check calling down or folding on the flop what's likely the better hand.
Here's one for Gamelive's poker elite.

You are seat 8. You have red pocket tens. No information on seat one who raises in late position to $12. You call, two other callers.

Flop 10JA, two clubs. Seat one raises to $18. The two other callers fold. You raise to $40. He shoves his $168 all in.

Your play?
50% of the time I would re-raise his pre-flop raise (to around $36-$45). I don’t give much credit to late position raises.

I hate your (essentially) min raise after he leads out on the flop. But then again, I play much more aggressively post flop than you do (which sometimes prevents me from winning the HUGH pots that a trappy player would win). But I also feel like I lose a lot less pots when people catch up to their draws.

Basically, you got put in a really tough spot by playing passive pre-flop and being trappy post flop.
As you guys know I'm doing this full time now. I've been trying to make a comparable amount to what I made as a loan officer. So far it's been alright, I run about 5x the bb but to make what I have in mind it's had to be 70-80 hours a week, if I can improve I can lighten the load. They say the best at any level make 10x the bb so that's where I want to get to. Fatigue becomes a factor as well as opponents adjusting to how you play.

I'd say my strengths are being very patient and very good at reading opponents/what they have, and a very good memory of how people play. Probably my main weaknesses are being too predictable and I really hate to lose a hand, I don't tilt playwise but I get way too pissed off which leads to anxiety, which can be lethal at the table.

I've appreciated the input from those familiar with the game around here in my pursuit of improvement and I'll keep hands coming in here.

Here's a thought. Ok so you're a regular at a room where they have nice high hand promotions, let's say $500 per half hour for the best hand. Those can add up quickly even though they're such a crap shoot. Now a big part of my game is opponent selection which is why I play nights - tough to get big money out of most daytime grinders/nits.

On days where the high hand period is say 10-5 pm would you play all night the night before and come in whenever and prioritize the night time players, or duck out early and chase the high hands with the daytime grinders? I'm not 22 and I'm not going to play 24 hours straight to do both. I've been doing the earlier option but I hate to miss value.

This dilemna has me thinking Vegas or a similar area in the future where I can surf night time options. Really want to improve before that though.


You should find tables/rooms without a jackpot rake instead.
Tron I hate my post flop raise there too, too small but it did effectively get the job done, the job being asking him the question "do you have the straight or a bigger set?" to which he definitively answered yes. Unlike you I would not reraise with tens there because like you touched upon I am entirely a trappy/implied odds player looking for those huge pots, so to me if I drive him off with a rereaise pre it eliminates my implied odds of flopping a set and stacking him.

In this case I did call for the exact reasons Reno brought up, and he had flopped the nut straight. It held. The call annoys me a bit, because if I am calling there then what's the point of my raise? I tanked it for a bit and decided he could easily have AK, AQ or most likely suited AJ, which is what I put him on - or aces. I decided I couldn't put him on raising with qk but like Tron said he was in late position thus is a much more likely raising hand there. A rule of mine is to try to avoid expensive flips, another reason this call annoys me, but like Reno said I had a ton of outs in case he had it. So as Tron said weird spot created by my trappy play. I think my read was in large part because I fall in love with sets (for good reason, they're basically most of my livelihood) and I needed to get away from my hand here (ESPECIALLY if he had a full stack). His mediocre stack was another reason for the call.

Focker you mean like a bad beat jackpot? I win $500-$1500 on these high hands most months. I get that those jackpots are huge amounts of money but the odds of a bad beat (quads over quads or bigger) is so low. I've never had that happen live and I don't think online either. Where I am now it's just the one room, but in the future when I move and have multiple rooms to choose from my thought was to chase action and high hand bonuses, not jackpots. You feel these are more worthwhile than the high hand bonuses despite the small odds of winning? I saw that my favorite Philly casino just brought their bb jackpot back a day they also have high hand periods, so that's a nice overlay imo.
Any room that has a jackpot of any sort has a jackpot rake (whether it's high hand, bad beat, etc.). You're probably not going to come out ahead on them. Take the extra $1 per pot instead.

I've played millions of hands and only had a bad beat jackpot hand once and it happened in a live cash game. I had a set of Q's vs. a royal draw all in on the flop. I hit my quads to give him the royal. I was playing at the MGM which doesn't have a bad beat jackpot. They didn't take any jackpot rakes at the time and if they did, I would have had to hit that lottery ticket to come out ahead.
Right, gotcha. When I move I'll prioritize rooms that have both high hands and jackpots. That sucks that MGM didn't have it for you.

Alright so isolating donks. Obviously we open our range for them, some more than others. The other day I had an interesting situation. There is this well known donk, PLO player, loose as heck. He is in full fledged maniac mode, meaning preflop raising any two cards and calling all all ins pre, etc. He's even crazier than usual as he says he's down $3k and on uber tilt.

So being seated to his right (I did move to his left to which he responded to by immediately moving to my left, lol) so I decide that any pp, aq or ak I will limp/shove and more than likely win 65% of the time against inferior hands from him. He wins 5 out of 6 of them with his rags and I take a nasty loss on the session.

I mean obviously you get what when you're going to be playing that kind of high variance style, but to me it was a good chance for a nice bankroll bump. Despite the result I think I still agree with my theory/play here.

How about you guys, facing a similar scenario would you a consider a similar strategy against this villain? Otherwise he's got you paying $35 and up to see flops.
I don't particularly like playing against highly volatile players like that. Would probably wait for a big hand and commit myself preflop, if stacks aren't too big. Buy in small into a game like that, play short stack strategy.

I think foker means avoid any rooms who have the bad beat and high hand promos. However, if a room rakes for a high hand promo all day and only pays it out during certain hours that's certainly an advantage. I've heard of places just adding house money at various times for whatever promo. Again that's an advantage.

As with the 10's it's ok. You're gonna get beat set over set or straight occasionally. Much better to take a shot calling with big hands, especially when you still likely have outs, than folding winners.
Ah, right. Yeah, he was saying fade the promos, I reread what he wrote. I really like them but he's probably right. Just hit their last one of the night here, K8 on the big and I turn quad kings for five hundo. Twenty bucks has to be in the pot so I say to the lady "I need help here, I'll pay you right back". At Sugar that was the lingo but here she didn't understand at first. Weird spot because you need the person to know but you can't be too obvious. Nice binkage, very thankful. My biggest weakness in this game is I HATE losing and that steamer session against that donk the other day pissed me off real bad. Took yesterday off after that to drink and try to untilt.

Yeah, agreed on the tens. I just really try to focus on making only the right decisions, but so many possibilities to be right there along with all the outs, and his medium stack.