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Gamelive poker talk

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max headroom

Feb 22, 2018
As you guys know I'm doing this full time now. I've been trying to make a comparable amount to what I made as a loan officer. So far it's been alright, I run about 5x the bb but to make what I have in mind it's had to be 70-80 hours a week, if I can improve I can lighten the load. They say the best at any level make 10x the bb so that's where I want to get to. Fatigue becomes a factor as well as opponents adjusting to how you play.

I'd say my strengths are being very patient and very good at reading opponents/what they have, and a very good memory of how people play. Probably my main weaknesses are being too predictable and I really hate to lose a hand, I don't tilt playwise but I get way too pissed off which leads to anxiety, which can be lethal at the table.

I've appreciated the input from those familiar with the game around here in my pursuit of improvement and I'll keep hands coming in here.

Here's a thought. Ok so you're a regular at a room where they have nice high hand promotions, let's say $500 per half hour for the best hand. Those can add up quickly even though they're such a crap shoot. Now a big part of my game is opponent selection which is why I play nights - tough to get big money out of most daytime grinders/nits.

On days where the high hand period is say 10-5 pm would you play all night the night before and come in whenever and prioritize the night time players, or duck out early and chase the high hands with the daytime grinders? I'm not 22 and I'm not going to play 24 hours straight to do both. I've been doing the earlier option but I hate to miss value.

This dilemna has me thinking Vegas or a similar area in the future where I can surf night time options. Really want to improve before that though.

I made an all in isolation bet, seat 9 tanked for a bit and folded and I won vs AK. Despite the win this play actually annoys me a bit, it was a bit tilty and if seat 9 wakes up w aa/kk I'd be kicking myself all night. A cardinal rule of mine is no expensive flips, which is exactly what it ended up being, and more so like you said it could have been much worse than a flip.

You're right AA vs a smaller pair is roughly 80/20 but I still think the 35 raise for value there man.obviously with your/Reno's opinion there's a much better chance of a $17 win vs what ended up being an $210 loss, but I think 80% + of the time I win $70 or so there.
:dunno: it's possible. I know you say you are very selective about the games. And if your opponents play bad and you're good at reading them, your strategy may be better. Say that pair of tens will call you down all the way once the flop comes low. Some people play like that.
Regarding qq. Are you last to act or 2nd. If last to act I'd probably fold. Probably ok calling all in130 if other guy folds because when low on chips very common to do such move with Ax. And even ak you're a favorite+20 in pot. But I'm afraid the other guy is getting big odds in case he does have that aa kk. Put em both together and there's just more favorable places to risk that much
Right I am huge on table selection, I switch a lot depending on who's playing and what I see at another player. It's like the old fish list online, but live players instead. I do agree that there's an argument for both strategies there. My mentality is low level poker is about abc play, opponent selection and maximizing value which is why my strategy there.

I was last to act and I agree on a fold spot with the queens there despite the result. A push is just asking to lose $350 there and misplaying spots like that is one reason I'm making half of what I could be, imo.
Here's a little one but it annoys me a bit because I think if I didn't try to get too fancy I could've booked a small win.

We have KsKc in the hole, seat 7. Seat 4, a very good but very aggro player, makes his standard $20 raise. I bump it up to $45.

The flop is Jh2d7c. He checks, I'm thinking it's such a non threatening flop and what are odds of an ace on the turn so I check in hopes of get value on the turn. The turn is the Ac, he checks. I check. The river is the 3d. I figure if he had the ace he would've bet the turn so I value bet to $25. He bumps it up to $65, I fold.

My thought is I should have bet the flop, but he's so aggro and we've played a lot together so I decided to get fancy. I blame it mostly on an unlucky turn, but I also think maybe I should have just made a standard $45 c bet on the flop.
possibly bet the flop and possibly fold to a raise on the flop. But the way you played it is better imo except don't fold. Guy has no reason to figure you'll bet after he checks river. If he was thinking you bet turn to check raise you, that didn't happen. So likely your play looked so week, you enticed a small bluff. That's exactly what I would've liked. And if he happened to make a better hand, that's only fair, your paying 40 to win what 180?
Right. I just hate calling anything for a losing hand, a flaw in my game is I very rarely think about pot odds, just value and winning. I don't pay for draws unless it's a total combo draw which is a weakness too. Basically too nitty and I have to grow out of that.

But there, the odds were certainly there for a call, absolutely, you're right.
Yeah, I like the way you played it, too. Except don't make that river bet if you can't call that raise.

Checking the flop is good. Manage the pot size (you didn't mention stack sizes, so I'm assuming they're deep enough that things could get uncomfortable for your kings if you get action). Checking the turn is a no brainer.

The river bet is great if you're willing catch a bluff, but pretty bad if you're not, because that bet is really begging for a bluff. Pretty much exactly what reno said.
Right, right. I think you guys think on a 2/5 level (using deceptive strategies) as opposed to 1/2 (or in this case 1/3), and one thing I've been adapting to is using these kinds of strategies against this casino's best 1/3 players, which this opponent certainly was one of. I do think with recreational players you take more abc style lines bit that's debateble.

Later that night I took a similar line against this same opponent, got him to shove into my top set with kings only to have him catch a fiver outer for the flush on the river so what are you gonna do, I did my job perfectly and was in position to get max value from him. Didn't post about because I don't get into talking about bad beats.

Anyway, as always appreciate the input fellas and I'll keep the hands coming.
