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Food stamps rant...

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How old is he? My Pogo started staring a lot, a bit like your Pogo does, when he lost his hearing around the age of 12.

He was a stray and I found him in 2004. Vet's guess was that he was 6 mos to a year at that time I think so he is getting up there. He is diabetic and has cataracts forming, but tubby can still hear a potato chip fall to the floor from the other room.
max these parts for family 4 is approx : $587 I believe
cards good for most all groceries, most deli products, but no cooked food can be bought.
course no beer, cigs, etc...

I've seen the snap program benefit those going through hard times and also
witnessed the other side of the situation of fraudulent abuse for selfish, mostly addiction fueled, reasons...

personally I feel the white collar, lower to mid - middle class are more deserving than the below poverty level living citizens for the part, granted there always exceptions to the obvious.
reason being the working men of the country , mostly tradesman, service/repair providing occupations, are stuck as tweeners in the system
they dont make enough except for living expenses with few bills able to be put back occasionally. ( assuming the average american male sucked into the wife and a couple kids lifestyle society brain washes us into as " normal adulthood"

but teeter on the threshhold of the govt chart deemed the cutoff income amount per # family members in household.

hard working, responsible, take pride their jobs, instead of the " dont give a shit, self centered parasites" get shafted.
so Joe Blow, sacrifies his body over the decades and in turn when he might swallow a bit of pride in order to feed the family AND be able to afford a decent shelter the govt replies w/ rejection due to :

threshold of family of 4 is 4K gross imcome before expenses/taxes ---- Mr blow grossed 4200 that month , nevermind what Mr Blow's actual adjusted income was ... he might of adjusted 12K 6/8 months ago , but grossed jack shit since?

or denied cause applicant has assests ---- Mr blow denied for being responsible when he had the means and economy allowed for it
Joe Blow might been denied for owning a vehicle thats been paid off many yrs ago?

Mr blow might be denied some help cause he averaged 30 hrs per work week and not over 35 hrs week required since work slowed to a crawl...

so in laymans terms :
Joe gets jack shit for being a good little sheeple doing his part to turn the cogs in the american land of the free machine that makes those imaginary numbers scrolling across bottom of CNBC channel relevant to the desk dwelling wanna be puppet masters :choke:

but requirements for non-working applicants seeking "help" or " a free ride " arent put under same guidelines
why is that?
It occurs to me that, unless the current system is tweaked, the income disparity between the top and the bottom is only gonna get wider. Not because the successful are gonna be more successful, just that the system will have reached a point of no return where the wealth accumulated at the top snowballs out of control and completely annihilates the odds that the lower strates of society can improve their situation, in part because of overtaxation meant to support the elites.

It's the capitalist cycle of life. I'm not saying anything new or interesting.

I see it happening somewhere in a G20 nation before I die.

In Canada, you see a lot of self-made Europeans who bring their working-class family over to escape failing economies. Many Italians here, and French in Quebec.

does this mirror age old theory of:
it takes money to make money?

simple yet so true...
met a few average guys with what seems like great ideas or logical plans to make a decent living.
but no resources to risk or float enough capital any period of time in order for a fighting chance

then ya got the selfish, greed driven so called business men with more money then sense , some go under , some dont... some have backers and play with others cash
the ones that go under leave carnage behind for working middle class men. due to the douche bag business man

milks every dime and drop of sweat from working man w/ no intentions of paying anyone owed.
nope, fuk your minions out of what they're owed, fuk suppliers, distributors, etc...
file bankrupty, absolve that tarnished LLC, forget debts
file new LLC w/ state... rinse/ repeat

maybe ya can sense I am in the midst of that scenario.

koksucker refuses to pay me the balance of job completed due to claiming homeowners wont pay him final balance.
refuses to settle with me and make good on our agreement I fulfilled as agreed upon many months ago unless or
if/when he settles with his client.

nvm , his dealing with his client has not a fukin thing to do with me or anything related to my job.
explain how he could argue any legit reason to hold my $$$$ hostage after our agreement has been completed above and beyond
the original agreement?

but the best part is he's a childhood friend , known each other since kintergarden:yoda:
rant over:guitar:
does this mirror age old theory of:
it takes money to make money?

simple yet so true...
met a few average guys with what seems like great ideas or logical plans to make a decent living.
but no resources to risk or float enough capital any period of time in order for a fighting chance

then ya got the selfish, greed driven so called business men with more money then sense , some go under , some dont... some have backers and play with others cash
the ones that go under leave carnage behind for working middle class men. due to the douche bag business man

milks every dime and drop of sweat from working man w/ no intentions of paying anyone owed.
nope, fuk your minions out of what they're owed, fuk suppliers, distributors, etc...
file bankrupty, absolve that tarnished LLC, forget debts
file new LLC w/ state... rinse/ repeat

maybe ya can sense I am in the midst of that scenario.

koksucker refuses to pay me the balance of job completed due to claiming homeowners wont pay him final balance.
refuses to settle with me and make good on our agreement I fulfilled as agreed upon many months ago unless or
if/when he settles with his client.

nvm , his dealing with his client has not a fukin thing to do with me or anything related to my job.
explain how he could argue any legit reason to hold my $$$$ hostage after our agreement has been completed above and beyond
the original agreement?

but the best part is he's a childhood friend , known each other since kintergarden:yoda:
rant over:guitar:

This is very common in my area also with 2nd home owners from Chicago, fuk them. A lot of people will rather sit on their money rather than hire right now. Thank the Obamacare fiasco for that. Employers don't like uncertainty when it comes to costs. If they hire, it's just part time to avoid paying insurance.

Maybe one of the socialists here can drop off a present for me for Boxing Day, a hamsteak perhaps. Nothing more elitist than that holiday.
:hattip: brother Senco

Fw, what is it with you "republicans" bitching about obamacare? The only reason we have this monstrosity is because you twats refuse to allow universal med (or "single payer" as they like to call it for some reason to further confuse the public)
does this mirror age old theory of:
it takes money to make money?

simple yet so true...
met a few average guys with what seems like great ideas or logical plans to make a decent living.
but no resources to risk or float enough capital any period of time in order for a fighting chance

then ya got the selfish, greed driven so called business men with more money then sense , some go under , some dont... some have backers and play with others cash
the ones that go under leave carnage behind for working middle class men. due to the douche bag business man

milks every dime and drop of sweat from working man w/ no intentions of paying anyone owed.
nope, fuk your minions out of what they're owed, fuk suppliers, distributors, etc...
file bankrupty, absolve that tarnished LLC, forget debts
file new LLC w/ state... rinse/ repeat

maybe ya can sense I am in the midst of that scenario.

koksucker refuses to pay me the balance of job completed due to claiming homeowners wont pay him final balance.
refuses to settle with me and make good on our agreement I fulfilled as agreed upon many months ago unless or
if/when he settles with his client.

nvm , his dealing with his client has not a fukin thing to do with me or anything related to my job.
explain how he could argue any legit reason to hold my $$$$ hostage after our agreement has been completed above and beyond
the original agreement?

but the best part is he's a childhood friend , known each other since kintergarden:yoda:
rant over:guitar:

Feel for Senco my friend! Get everything you can out of the system cause you deserve it!

You heard the saying, "I don't get mad, I get even", mine is I get very mad and I get way ahead! It's almost 2014 and society now states when monies are involved, you have no friends and lots of times no relatives!
:hattip: brother Senco

Fw, what is it with you "republicans" bitching about obamacare? The only reason we have this monstrosity is because you twats refuse to allow universal med (or "single payer" as they like to call it for some reason to further confuse the public)
I actually believe we should have something like a universal health care program. How does Obama think this will get paid for if young adults are on their parents plan until 26? This plan is anything but affordable for most and the deductibles are much higher. Where does the affordable part start? We won't even get into the lying about keeping your old plan and seeing your dr. He was pandering to the left-wing lemmings who wanted change - well they got it. As with any bill, we'll assume it had many add-ons that were junk.

You realize under his two terms in office, the gap between the richest and poor increased? That's with the D's controlling the house and senate during his first term where a president gets the most done.
I dont want people (me included) to be afraid to see a doctor because they are led to believe it will hurt them financialy, or because of some red tape or bs paperwork. I dont particularly care if public or private. Although it makes me sick that we cant get anything done in this country without pandering to business interests.

and lets not forget that people were being denied treatment before obama, so just hating on obamacare is not a solution