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You (including most old people) can choose not to get coronavirus. Do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands. Fact.

Most multi generational families have someone in them that can comprehend hand washing. Fact.

With confirmed hospitalization rates for under 50 at LESS THAN 3/100,000 its time to tell old people and the infirm to quarantine. Everyone else go back to your business (except when dealing with you old and infirm friends/family).

So why even have old people and infirm quarantine? If they can just choose not to get it, why have a quarantine at all?

Sounds like you deny that a average person can avoid infection by not touching thier face with unclean hands. This is a fact. Is it not? Hard to discuss something with someone who denies (or more accurately conveniently ignores) the most basic scientific premise re: viral transmission.

Repeat after me, "I will wash my hands before touching my eyes, nose or mouth or any object that will touch my eyes, nose or mouth." Now do that and odds on, overwhelming odds on, you will NOT get the virus. Do society a favor and spread the word (especially to old and sick parents).

Sounds like you deny that a average person can avoid infection by not touching thier face with unclean hands. This is a fact. Is it not? Hard to discuss something with someone who denies (or more accurately conveniently ignores) the most basic scientific premise re: viral transmission.

Repeat after me, "I will wash my hands before touching my eyes, nose or mouth or any object that will touch my eyes, nose or mouth." Now do that and odds on, overwhelming odds on, you will NOT get the virus. Do society a favor and spread the word (especially to old and sick parents).

I'm not deflecting. I'm not being sarcastic. I agree with you, this is how it is contracted.

I'm asking, why do you support a quarantine at all given these facts?
I resent your (id argue deliberately) obtuse take on my position - characterizing it as failing due to what you allude in your question is required, an all or nothing view. I've pointed out you've done this before. The cheap socratic tricks might work on others.

Fact is we've learned a lot and society (at least in my neck of the woods) has changed immensely. Masks and vigilant handwashing are a must and they should continue to be practiced. Young people are not terribly effected by this virus. It was never about killing off the virus entirely. Choice is greater freedom than lack of choice.

Dave if you have to continue pushing opinion as fact under the guise of caution (and caution only as relative to immediate short term view on loss of life as paramount) thats all good. Im just trying to remind all of some very basic and universal facts.

You cannot contract this virus, outside exceptional circumstances, without touching your own face with unclean hands. Wash up and be well (meant as a farewell and a very basic factual statement).
I'm not taking a purposefully obtuse take on your position. I'm not trying to implement cheap Socratic tricks. I'm trying to further understand your position.

You have laid out a bunch of factual evidence. You aren't using any tricks or taking things out of context. I haven't read anything you've said that is factually incorrect. You are correct in how the disease is spread and contracted, through droplets that land on our skin and are then moved into our system through the eyes, nose, and mouth via touching our own faces. You are correct that the vast majority of people under the age of 50 who get it do not require hospitalization or die.

You supported the necessity of a quarantine to gather data on what we are dealing with. We have gathered that data. This thing predominantly affects the elderly, and it is contracted by our own doing.

I don't believe I've mischaracterized what you've said. You said that it's time to release people under 50 from quarantine, due to the completely fact-based reasoning above. You also said that "you can choose not to get coronavirus". That's not me taking something out of context. It's a direct quote and it's you making the point that if you don't touch your face with your hands, you in all likelihood won't get it. This is true.

So I've established that I understand your position on how the virus is contracted, how it has minimal effect on younger people, and that I agree with both of these facts. I'm just asking a simple question that really shouldn't piss you off this much. Why don't we just end the quarantine today, completely, for all ages? Besides obviously the extremely old or mentally ill that don't know better than to not touch their face.
Why don't we just end the quarantine today, completely, for all ages?

Davey, I know that wouldn't be the best option presently! I think the consensus is old people more prone to DYING from it! So to protect them and help the economy startup again, quarantine 65+ and others go back to work? Wasn't it already brought up only 20% of 65+ are still working? So thinking with 61M collecting SS it comes out to roughly 49M not working! Economically they have a clear CHOICE to protect themselves by not leaving the house.
my cousin asked this question the other day on social media

"Could you catch Covid19 if you tried?"

I've been thinking about it ever since. Like if someone would give me 25k if I could catch it in 24 hrs what would be my best bet?

I don't imagine that you are allowed to just go hang out at hospitals.

I guess I could put an ad on Social media looking for people that were home sick after testing positive and see if I could pay them to let me come get infected.

I think I would be hard pressed to try to catch the thing if I needed to do it
my cousin asked this question the other day on social media

"Could you catch Covid19 if you tried?"

I've been thinking about it ever since. Like if someone would give me 25k if I could catch it in 24 hrs what would be my best bet?

I don't imagine that you are allowed to just go hang out at hospitals.

I guess I could put an ad on Social media looking for people that were home sick after testing positive and see if I could pay them to let me come get infected.

I think I would be hard pressed to try to catch the thing if I needed to do it

Yeah, with social media/CL ad route it'd be super easy.

But going with the true nature of the question, I don't think it'd be too difficult at all.

- Go to some grocery stores. Touch all of the cart handles, shelves, etc.
- Touch all the doorknobs in apartment buildings.
- Take public transportation. Touch metal bars, seats.
- Take a few elevators, touch all the buttons. Some stairs, the hand rail.
- Hang out at other places that people are still congregating.

Etc etc. Touch your face a bunch.
I'd say it's perfectly fine to create some form of ubi or help for people, especially in this situation. That's the kind of solutions our politicians should be working on, instead of taking away footballs and forcing closures. (but like I said, I don't trust the goodwill behind what's happening)
More worried about, where do these people get the authority to impose whatever restrictions they want, and what's to stop them from doing this at anytime? Certainly, doesn't feel like there's any mechanism in place to limit this.
I'd say it's perfectly fine to create some form of ubi or help for people, especially in this situation. That's the kind of solutions our politicians should be working on, instead of taking away footballs and forcing closures. (but like I said, I don't trust the goodwill behind what's happening)
More worried about, where do these people get the authority to impose whatever restrictions they want, and what's to stop them from doing this at anytime? Certainly, doesn't feel like there's any mechanism in place to limit this.

Yeah, with you here. Definitely a dangerous precedent being set.
Gotta admit though that there is a factor now, that's making me think the death rate is possibly significantly higher than I thought/ or was hoping it would be. That is what the numbers from New York seem to be telling us.
Even though I don't believe they are properly attributing deaths to c19, I gotta believe they can't be making up deaths altogether.
The average expected daily deaths for 20 million people should be about 500. If they are attributing 700+ daily to c19 alone, it seems that there has been a huge increase (at least during a short period)
My neighbor is going nutso right now. Guy is schizophrenic I believe, maybe something else, but def a mental disorder. He's in he's 20's lives with mom and pops. He's pretty friendly. But he's been going in and out every couple of hours cussing up a storm. Never been this bad before. Some of his yelling has been vaguely comprehensible and political seemingly lately. Sound like he's really pissed about the rules. He looked real bad and raggedy this morning.
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